Trial and Error

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Misaki giggled as Luffy brought her to the cot . He sunk down like he always did, with her in his lap and her arms around his neck. His heart quickened a little as she nuzzled into his neck and took a deep breath. He silently panicked a little, wondering if she was going to notice the faint waft of ham coming off of him. Is it even that big of a deal? It's not like you have ever smelled any different but —

   His thoughts were cut short as she began sucking on his neck. He reveled in the sensation, lifting his chin to give her better access as her lips trailed up to his ear. Her hands started moving around, unable to decide where they should go. From running through his hair, to squeezing his shoulders and caressing his chest, her hands indecisiveness drove him absolutely crazy. Teeth grazed at his earlobe and something caught in his throat as he took a sharp breath in. He let his own hands start exploring, running them over her breasts, her waist, her hips... God, she's so incredible.

     Luffy couldn't imagine being in love with anybody else. He couldn't even fathom running his hands around someone else's body like this. His heart hammered loudly in his chest as he thought about how free he felt with her. How happy he was when he thought about her. Even when he was anxious and nervous, he was over the moon happy. She let her lips trace toward his as he wondered how she managed to charm him. It was like she was his weakness, and his strength — his fear, and his confidence — his freedom and his commitment — all rolled up into one perfect package. Her lips brushed against his and his heart leapt as she hummed happily, reaching up and grabbing his face.

   "I love you." She breathed.

   "I love you too." He said, his heart leaping into his throat in an attempt to choke him. More than I can even say.

   Their lips connected and his stomach flipped as she grinned against him.

   "Mmmm. Minty." She said, sweetly.

   Luffy couldn't help but chuckle. "I got a little carried away I guess."

   "Nothing wrong with that." She hummed, leaning back in for another kiss.

   This time, he grabbed her face and pulled her in for a more passionate kiss. He could feel his hair tug a little as she wound her fingers in it and yanked him even closer. Their kiss got more intense as she leaned into him heavily, knocking them both backwards onto to pillows and making them laugh. Misaki rolled off of him and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Luffy asked, turning on his side to look at her.

"I feel like a klutz." She breathed, looking at him. He could feel his heart beat around rapidly as her eyes met his. It almost hurt, the way it rammed around inside of his chest. "Don't you?"

"Totally." He said, grinning. She smiled and scooted closer to him, letting him envelope his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head as she buried her face in his chest and took in a breath. He held his breath as she giggled.

"Mmmmm, hammmm." She swooned. Luffy stiffened, anxiety creeping up his back as she peered up at him questioningly. "What?"

"I uh...." He could feel his bottom lip forming into a pout as Misaki pulled further away to get a good look at him. "I tried so hard...." He muttered, his voice wavering as the nerves crept underneath his skin.

"Oh." Misaki smiled and nuzzled into his neck, taking a huge breath before kissing his neck softly. Luffy tried to stifle a giggle as she nuzzled into him again, tickling his neck. "It's just you, Lu. Nothing wrong with that."

"But you smell so good, M'."

"So do you." She said, making him purse his lips. He didn't mean it like that.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now