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"I already told you! I'm Misaki!"

This woman. She smiled so sweetly at him. He wondered what might be behind that smile. Was she scared of him? No. If she was, she wouldn't have grabbed his ear like that. Perhaps she was just grateful to have something in her belly. That must be it. He took another bite of a coconut, eyeing her curiously as she turned her attention to the rest of her meal.

He looked at the stitches on her arm. Sand glazed over it, pressing into the flesh like a parasite. That can't be good for her. It looked red and inflamed, irritated by the salt and sand. She looked back up at him, realizing he was watching her, and smiled again. Kid parted his lips a little, taken aback by her sweetness. He was used to fear. A scurry of feet, a look of terror. But she just kept smiling at him.


"It's Misaki." She said, her voice thick with honey.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked curiously. She grinned, her teeth showing, and tilted her head sweetly.

"Captain Kid. The pirate."

   "You aren't scared?" He asked.

   "You haven't given me a reason to be." She said, taking another bite of her coconut.

   "Hm." He grunted.

     They continued to eat in silence for a while. Every so often, Kid found himself glancing over at this girl. Her hair was all over the place — which she didn't seem to care much about — and her eyes were way brighter than he felt like they should be. It was almost like they sparkled. He gulped down another bite and sighed.

   "I'm still hungry. These aren't that satisfying." He said, patting his stomach. She laughed again.

   "Beats eating nothing though!"

"Ain't that the truth?" He muttered.

"Say.... Don't you have devil fruit abilities?" She asked. He raised an eyebrow at her, unsure how innocent she really was.

"What about 'em?"

"Well, if you use it, maybe you can find my sword!" She said, her eyes sparkling as she spun to face him. "Or maybe something we can use to get fish!"

He looked at her warily. "Fat chance. You'll probably kill me in my sleep or something. Or at least try to."

"I would never do something so cowardice!!" She said, jumping onto her feet.

"How am I supposed to know that?! I don't know you!" He snapped, making her clench her fists.

"I just wanted to help!" She yelled, her face turning red.

The look she bore made him take pause. He didn't know her — not at all. But it almost seemed like this was a sore subject for her. He rolled his eyes and put out his robotic hand. Metal from all areas started flying toward him, clinging to his arm like a magnet until there was a heap of a mess on his arm. He looked over, expecting to see a look of horror on her face. Instead, her eyes widened, bright with a child-like whimsy, and her lips broke out into a huge smile as she watched.

"That's so handy!" She said. She blinked and giggled at herself. "No pun intended."

Who the Hell is this girl?

She reached out to grab something, her face forming into a pout when she realized she couldn't yank it free.

"Do you mind?" She muttered, her eyes drawing up to connect to his. He released his powers, letting all of the metal junk fall to the ground as she reeled backwards with a sword in her hand. "Ah! Yes! It's good to have you back, friend!" She said, smiling at the sword in its scabbard.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now