Alone at Last

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My mom came running out of the house when she saw Luffy carrying Max out front.

"What happened?" She asked.

"He had it coming." Luffy said gruffly. Shit, Luffy.

    "He put his hands on me and then tried to punch Lu." I explained. "Lu barely even threw a punch. He knocked himself out."

   My mom stopped short and looked at all of us. "Serves him right." She said. Luffy grinned at her.

   "I knew I liked you for a reason." He said as he plopped Max down in the grass.

   "Did you call someone to take him home?" She asked.

   "Not yet."

   "Alright. I'll do it." She sighed.

   "Now hold on just a second. This guy is not safe for you!" Luffy chided, making my mom laugh.

   "Boy, he wouldn't dare try that on me."

   "He did it to Misaki!" He crinkled his nose.

   "That's because Em doesn't fight back unless she has to. Trust me. He knows better."

   "She'll be ok, Lu. She can handle herself just fine. Just get him into the truck for her, ok?" I said. Luffy grunted and did what was asked.

  "Do you need me to come with you to get him out?" He asked.

   "Nah, it's fine. I'm going to get his buddy to help and then wait for him to wake up. I have some words." She said, putting her hands on her hips and shaking her head. Luffy looked concerned, and I reached over and squeezed his hand, letting him know it would be ok.

   After my mom drove away, Luffy sighed.



   "Why would you ever go out with someone like that?" He said.

   "Cause he didn't used to be like that." I said, looking at him. "Sometimes, Luffy, people change. Sometimes, they were never who they said they were."

  "Good thing I'm a terrible liar then. You've got nothing to worry about with me." Luffy responded. Good point. "Hey, you know what I just realized?"


"We totally could have had a shower together." He said, gesturing to the empty driveway. I laughed. My guess was that he used the rest of the hot water.

"We can have fun without a shower too." I said, laughing as Luffy grabbed my hand and immediately started walking me inside, without a second thought.

He pulled me up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door behind us, and he leaned down to kiss me. I heard the *click* of the lock and giggled. I know what that means.

   Luffy cupped my face in his hands and brushed his lips softly against mine. I ran my hands up his chest and slipped my hands under his shirt sleeves. He brought his arms back and rolled his shoulders as I slipped his shirt off. He pulled away and slowly unraveled my scarf from my neck before setting it down on the bed.

   He kept kissing me, slowly grasping the base of my shirt and pulling it up over my head. He then lifted me up and sat me on the bed, only to immediately pull my pants off, underwear and all. He pushed me to lay down as he kissed me, grabbing me and pushing me further onto the bed. I scooted back so that I was completely on the bed and he sat up to look at me.

    I blushed as he looked at me. I didn't feel as pretty as I did in the other reality, so it felt weird to have him look at me as I sat there, exposed. Meanwhile, he was breathtaking. His muscles alone were enough, let alone his other handsome features. I felt like he was out of my league. I felt like I was—

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now