The Captain's Seat

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    "Ready?" He said, grinning at me. I turned my head away from him and leaned back into his arms, making him snicker.

   "I feel like it's been ages since I've been on the Captain's seat." I sighed.

  "It's definitely been too long." Luffy said, resting his head on mine.

I felt his hand creeping up to my shoulder bag and laughed as he tugged it open and stretched his neck out so he could peer inside.

"What're you doing, you freak?!" I laughed.

"Oooooo, you got so many goodies!" He said, snagging a piece of meat in his teeth before letting his head snap back into place. I heard him crunch happily at the piece of meat, bone and all before hearing a big *gulp*.

"Was that necessary?" I giggled as I looked back at him.

"Mmmmm. That's good meat!" Luffy said, licking his lips. "We should head up and eat it now!" he said excitedly.

"Oh? You think this is for you?" I said, giggling. "I didn't plan on sharing." I said, twisting around in his arms to face him. "What's in it for me?" I asked playfully, echoing what I said earlier.

Luffy snickered and grabbed me by the chin, threatening to touch his lips against mine.

"I'll make it worth your while."

"Oh? Do tell." I said, leaning into him a little.

Luffy took in a breath and leaned a little closer. His lips were so close, I could feel the heat coming off of them. My head was swimming and my face felt hotter. A grin broke out across his face.

"Meat. First." He said, almost growling.

    I chuckled and picked up the bag, shaking it at him. He smiled bigger, suddenly changing his energy, bouncing with joy as he snatched the bag from me. He popped another piece of meat in his mouth before wrapping his arm around my hips and jumping us up to the Sunny's figurehead.

   I smiled when I saw the pillows and blanket he had prepared for the night. He plopped onto a pillow and dug in, licking his fingers as he grabbed more food.

    I laughed softly and sunk down next to him, careful not to let my dress ride up, and leaned against him as he ate ravenously. It wasn't as soft and quiet as sleeping next to Zoro the night before — his body  shifted and jarred me a little as he ate — but it felt so right. I relaxed and closed my eyes, listening to him as he ate. He was boar-ish and impetuous and yeah, even a slob. But I loved every part of him. From his charming smile and childish nature, to his brutal strength, denseness, and impulsiveness. His gentle smile, his strong arms, the way he smelled like honey baked ham. Every part of him put me at peace.

    He stopped moving and I opened my eyes, confused. A piece of meat was being waved in front of my face. I giggled and took a bite, munching happily on it. He held it in front of me and waved it again, seeing if I wanted another bite. I swallowed and chomped another bite before gently pushing his hand away as I hummed a thank you tone. He happily took it and threw the rest in his mouth. I got onto my knees and placed a hand on his face, pulling him toward me as I pressed my lips on his cheek. Luffy swallowed and grinned. Leaning back and pulling us to lay down.

   "The stars are way brighter here. I never really though about it before." He said, grinning.

   "I love it." I said, looking up at the sky.

   "I bet you can really appreciate it, huh? I feel like I didn't before."

   "It's definitely one of my favorite things about this reality." I said, making him smile.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now