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The sun was my enemy. My neck and my back were sore, and the sun was beating down on me. I stretched a little and the familiar grip tightened around my waist. Luffy buried his head in my neck and sighed happily, making me giggle. I turned away from him and he was whined, squeezing me gently to try and get me to stay. I stretched again and Luffy's fingers twitched a little. I grinned and wiggled a little, trying to playfully loosen his grip on me. Luffy picked up his hand and brushed my hair out of the way. Kissing up my neck, he stopped to muzzle at my ear, giving me shivers as he said three simple words.

"I love you."

Fuck that's so unfair. How was I supposed to be playing the tease when he goes straight for my weakness? He started running his hand back down to my hip, squeezing it and pulling it towards him as he kept kissing my neck. I twisted to face him a little more and he put his hands on either side of me. Light kisses covered over my face. Next thing I know, he is completely on top of me, straddling me. He leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips. I fought the urge to follow him as he moved away again.

"I love you." He said with a little more inflection.


A smile pricked at her lips and she bit her lip, keeping herself quiet. So it's like that, huh?

Luffy knew what she was doing. He took the tips of his fingers and firmly pressed into her hip, flicking his wrist to make her lay fully on her back. He kissed down her neck and down her chest as she held back a whine. Come on. Why are you making me work so hard?

He sat up and let his hands travel up under her shirt, making the fabric move up as he started kissing her hips and stomach. He could feel her jump as he let his teeth graze against her skin. He smiled against her as she stifled another gasp. What's your game, Misaki?

He kept pulling up her shirt and made sure to kiss every scar on her body until her shirt was completely off. He kissed up her chest a little more desperately as he moved back up her collarbone. She was still stifling herself as he got back to the crook of her neck. She refused to touch him, leaving her hands by her side as he kissed her.

By now, Luffy was frustrated, growling into her neck as he bit and kissed it, sucking on it firmly — just not enough to bruise. Was this because he said he liked when she squirmed? Was she getting back at him for yesterday? Was she teasing him? If so, she was being really mean about it. He knew she wanted him to keep going, but he had no idea why she wouldn't let herself react. He let his hands trail back down to her pants, unbuckling them and yanking them down roughly.

Suddenly, he pulled her pants back up, grumbling as he sat up. Misaki was holding back a smirk, looking at him with big doe eyes.

"Yes?" She asked, tilting her head at him.

"What do you want?" He grunted. A grin broke out across her face.

"I don't want anything." She said slyly.

"Come on, M'." He said, pouting. "Why are you torturing me?"

"Am I?" She mulled, tapping her chin playfully as she tilted her head even more. Her hair was wild, messy, and her eyes sparkled so beautifully in the sunrise. All he wanted was to make her squirm and squeal and gasp. Now that I think of it, that's a pretty big list. But there is one thing I really want.

"Say it." He said, a little grumpy. Her smile widened.

"Say what?"

"Come on, say it!" He said, kissing her gently on the lips. He pressed his forehead against hers and placed a hand on her face.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now