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"I think I got one!" I said, pulling up on the rod to snag the hook. Shit, what the Hell was I thinking?! Whatever this thing was, it was way out of my league. I pulled back as I slid forward and grabbed the railing, activating my armament haki to protect myself. Luffy wrapped his arms round me, his hands grasping over mine to hang onto the rod.

   "You got this, M'." He muttered in my ear. "You just gotta fix your stance."

   "This thing is huge, Lu!" I hissed.

   "I know." He said, his hands gripping harder over mine. "Straighten up. Tuck in your elbows." He guided my hand over to my reel and started helping me reel in. "Now ease up, give it a little. Give and take."

    I knew he was doing a lot of the work, but I was still struggling against this beast. I wanted so badly to reel it in, but it was taking so long, and my muscles were getting tired. My haki, too, was wearing out. I pulled and reeled and pulled some more. My arms screamed as we both pulled back. My haki dissipated around my upper arms as we pulled. It crept down as it I pulled, sapping the last of my strength as I pulled with all my might until we both reeled backwards, the beastly fish yanking up and onto the Sunny. Luffy fell onto his back as I slammed into him.

   "Look at that, Misaki! You got it!" He laughed.

   "You did most of the work!" I laughed.

   "Well, yeah... but it was still your catch." He said, grinning as we sat up.

    I spun around to face him and he interlaced his fingers with mine and raised both of our hands to the sky, yelling Yahoooooo! As he raised up my hands, I felt a searing pain in my upper left arm and screamed, making Luffy jump up, dragging me along with him. I screamed louder and he dropped my hands as I reached for my arm.

   "Misaki?" Luffy said, dropping to his knees and pulling my hand away from my arm. "Lemme see." He said, leaning in to look. His brow furrowed and he leaned away from me. "CHOPPER! You gotta look at this!"

   I twisted to try and see for myself, but I couldn't see it. Luffy looked panicked, and that made me more curious. I tried to twist my arm to look and yelped in pain.


  "Dude, don't move it! You're gonna make it worse!" Luffy said, grabbing her arm to stop her from moving it.

    He looked at it again and winced. It was black and blue, and incredibly swollen. He placed a hand on it gently. It was hot to the touch, making his heart hurt. What the Hell happened?

   Chopper came running over and took a look. His eyebrows pulled together into a frown, making Luffy nervous. Misaki was quiet. Pensive.

  "Well?" Luffy said, eager to know what happened.

   "It looks like she has a grade III muscle tear."

   "Am I really that weak?" Misaki breathed. Luffy looked at her, annoyed.

   "Don't say that about yourself! You're plenty strong!"

   "Luffy, I tore a muscle reeling in a fish!"

   "That thing is bigger than like 2 tons!" Luffy sniped.

   "And you helped!" She sniped back.

   "'re not..."

   "I have to work harder." Misaki said, grimacing as Chopper poked around her arm.

   "You are actually going to have to rest." Chopper said, making Misaki groan.

   "I'm tired of resting! I need to get stronger!"

   "Misaki! I'm sorry but you have to have surgery!"

  "I WHAT?!" Misaki yelled, standing up in jest and clenching her good fist. Luffy felt so bad. I should have just taken the rod.

   "I'm so sorry Misaki, but you and I have to deal with this sooner rather than later!"

  "How am I supposed to catch up to you guys if I keep getting hurt over stupid shit!" She yelled.

  "Misaki, we will always protect you though." Luffy muttered, making her turn to him.

   "I'm sick of being dead weight, Luffy!" She snapped. Luffy winced.

   "You aren't dead weight! If it weren't for you, I would have been suckered by that stupid hypno dude!" Luffy spoke the truth. He knew it wasn't enough though, as he watched Misaki's lip form into a pout.

"Come on, Misaki. Let me bring you into surgery! The sooner we reconnect the tissue, the better!" Chopper said, leading Misaki to the infirmary.


I pouted as I passed by some of the crew, who watched the entire scene unfold. Nami gave me an understanding look. At least you have lightning.

  "Misaki." A gruff voice called out to me. I looked over to see Jimbei. "Everybody serves some kind of purpose here. You will find yours. It doesn't mean you have to be strong or durable. But perhaps it will be something only you can do."

   I smiled. Maybe he was right. Maybe I just hadn't found my niche yet. I was pretty savvy with a sword, but nothing like Zoro. So maybe there was something I could be even better at.

   "Thanks Jimbei."

    I ducked into the infirmary with Chopper.

   "Say, Chopper?"


   "Can you make sure I don't need a lot of stitches? I want to heal as fast as possible so I can train."

   "Misaki, please promise me you don't intend to train the moment you wake up."

    "Scouts honor!" I said. I'll wait a couple days, just to make him happy.

    "Well... alright. I'll do my best, Misaki!"

    "Thanks, Chopper!"

    "And I'll make sure you don't wake up for at least a couple days, just in case."

   "Wait, wha—!" And in that moment, he stuck me with a needle, and everything went black.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now