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"Misakiiiiii" Everybody cried as they dogpiled me. Well, not everybody. Chopper and Jimbei hung back, much to my surprise. I laughed as I got crushed under the weight of everybody, being sure to knuckle Brook in the head when he asked if he could finally see my panties. Sanji and Zoro fought each other before making it all the way to the dog pile, trying to figure out who lost deserved to give me a hug.

   "Relax, guys! There is plenty of me to go around!" I laughed.

   "Platonically." Luffy added, making me laugh harder.

   "Yes! Platonically!"

    When I escaped from the dog pile, I got lifted into a huge hug by Sanji. I hugged him back, rubbing my cheek against his and making him swoon. I then fell away from him and stumbled idiotically towards the swordsman, who placed his hand on top of my head bashfully, making me grin. I let myself fall into his chest, wrapping my arms around him for a big hug, making him grumble.

   "You really had us all worried there, brat." He muttered.

  "I know. I'm sorry." I said, pulling away from him and smiling.

  "Misaki Sama!" Jimbei said, kneeling in front of me. "Let me give you my most heartfelt apology! I should have been able to find you! I should have been able to protect you!"

  "Jimbei." I said softly, dropping to my knees and wrapping my arms around his head, which hung ever so low. "None of this was your fault. Ok? None of it."

   "But, Misaki Sama!" He began, choking on his own words.

   "Things happen! They like to happen a lot with me." I said, chuckling. I stood up and offered him my hand, which he graciously held before standing up and moving away.

   "Chopper?" I said, tilting my head. He was blubbering, reaching up to me.

   "Misaki! What happened to your arm?!"

   My eyes widened and I twisted to look at my arm, unsure what he meant. Two of the three stitches were gone, ground up herbs were dressing the now painfully open wound.

   "I uh." I have no idea.

   "That was me." Kid said, leaning against the mast. "She probably needs more antibiotics, come to think of it."

   "So it really did get infected." Chopper sobbed.

   "Worst infection I've ever seen. Damn near killed her." Kid chimed.

   "Is that what happened?" I asked.

   "You don't remember?!" Chopper yelled, making me smile.

   "Well obviously it worked out, so what's the harm?"

   "You were probably septic! How did you even survive?!" Chopper said, throwing his arms in the air.

   "I got some mystery drug. I dunno." Kid said, striding up to me. He grabbed my shoulder and turned it to face Chopper so he could point as he talked. His face was serious, with not a dredge of sarcasm or humor behind his voice. "I popped the stitches so it could drain. There was swelling and a rash all the way into her chest and down her arm, and tons of pus. I also used any antibacterial herb I could get my hands on. It's not like I had bandages so I had to make do."

   Chopper ran over to Kid, hugging his leg as he cried. "Thank you so MUCH! It sounds like you did everything you could!"

   "Get ooooofffff" Kid grunted and scowled at the doctor. "She almost didn't make it. I had to do CPR..."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now