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I wandered out onto the deck where everybody was enjoying a rendition from the soul king. Everybody was clapping and singing along. Luffy saw me and waved. Nami and Chopper grabbed me and started dancing with me. I laughed and danced along, singing out with the lyrics. I jaunted over to Brook and we leaned toward each other, trading off lyrics as he played his guitar. Everybody clapped to the beat and danced and laughed.

"Sing it, Misaki!" Luffy cheered.

I sang loud. It didn't matter if it sounded good or not. I mean, it did. I could actually sing pretty well, thank God. But singing this song wasn't about doing it well. It was about letting go, and being free. Free from all the world. Free from anxiety. Free from all of it. Free in the here. Free in the now.

Our voices climbed as the music swelled. I belted out the last line, trailing off with a riff that surely sent shivers down Brook's spine and made his skin tingle - that is, if he had any skin. Great, now I'm doing it — even my own inner dialogue wasn't safe. Brook threw an arm around me, giving me a hearty laugh.

"Yohohohoho! Misaki-sama, such a lovely voice! It really rattled my bones!" Dang, I didn't guess the right pun.

"Thanks Brook!" I grinned.

"Yeah, Misaki! I've never heard you sing before!" Usopp said.

"Well that's because I was still learning the songs!" I laughed.

"Well I've heard it before and it's even lovelier when you aren't holding back." Brook commented.

"Awe Brook. I don't think I'm that good!" I said, blushing a little.

"Oh no, you are that good!" Nami said, everyone cheering in agreement.

"I think you're voice is SUUUUUPERRRR!"

"I like how free you are when you sing!" Luffy said as he threw an arm around me, making me blush even harder.

"I agree! She moves quite nice too." Robin added softly. Luffy pulled away from me to try to display what he meant by free, spinning and bouncing up and down as he laughed.

"What a great time this is! Misaki, you were great!" Jimbei chimed in, letting out a booming laugh.

"Shall we sing another song?" Brook asked. Everybody cheered a resounding yes, leading us into another fun, fast paced song. As we all sang, I grabbed Luffy's hands and spun around with him, making him laugh. I threw an arm around Zoro and made him sway with me while I sang another verse, Luffy joining me in our newfound attempt to make Zoro dance. I flitted over to Nami and did a little hop skip and a jump with her, only to be grabbed and brought back to Luffy. He grasped both hands and did his best at a jerky jerky Viennese Waltz, faster and jauntier, stepping back to spin me and then bring me back in for another go round. I turned around and noticed Sanji standing at the door.

"Come on Sanji!" I sang, reaching a hand out to him. Luffy danced me over to him and I reached my hand out again. Sanji stood there for a second before smiling and letting himself get pulled into the madness. We were already moving on to yet another fast paced song, changing up the style of our dancing just because we could.

When we finished with that one, I stopped to have a drink. And that's when my favorite song began. Bink's sake. The Japanese version. This time, instead of singing along, I simply smiled and clapped along to the song, enjoying it. Luffy snatched my hands and pulled me into his chest, jaunting back and forth to the song, making me giggle. He sang along playfully.

Some would say he was butchering the song, but I could tell he was actually trying to sing well for once while still maintaining the playfulness in his voice. It was catchy and addictive. I wished I could hear him sing like this more often. I giggled and laughed and played along, dancing joyfully along with him.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now