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"Heyyy! I'll see you laterrrr!" Misaki said as she waved at the last person to leave. She clung to Luffy like her life depended on it, but still refused to walk in the direction he was pulling her.

"Come on, M'! It's time to get you to bed." Luffy said, struggling to get her to move her feet. Man, I really wish I could just pick her up without raising a red flag.

   "But Luffy—"

   "SHHHHHH" Luffy shushed her, glancing around quickly to see if anybody was in ear shot.

   "Oh," she giggled, putting a finger up to her lips, "right."

   "Come on, M'. It's definitely time for bed." Luffy said, dragging her toward the door. Misaki giggled and stumbled along with him. Just as he reached the door, he heard a familiar voice.

   "Do you need any help?" A slightly concerned Momma J said. Oh boy. He stood there for a moment, hoisting Misaki back up as she slumped down into his chest.

   "Nah, I got it." He said, attempting a smile as Misaki threw her arms around his neck and rubbed her face against his, humming happily. "Just gotta take her to her room and let her sleep it off."

   "Sleep what off?" Misaki said innocently.

   "You're drunk." Luffy responded plainly.

   "Awm nawt drr-unk, yur dru-unk."

    Luffy laughed and pulled her through the door, hoping nobody would follow so he could make the trip up the stairs a little easier.

   Much to his delight, nobody followed, so he hoisted Misaki up under his arm and started walking. At first she slumped in his arms like total dead weight, but that didn't last long.

   "I-is dat hOw ya trEaat a ladyyy?" She slurred, trying in vain to squirm out of his grasp. Luffy grunted and threw her over his shoulder, where she grabbed at his back.

   "Stay still." He demanded as she laughed.

    "Hoold mmme bedderrr then!" She giggled. He finished the climb up the stairs and set her down for a moment. She wobbled and grabbed onto his shirt for support.

   "Are you done?!"

   "No, I'm Miswaki" she slurred, snorting at her own joke. He couldn't help but crack a smile at this little drunk psychopath. That damned snort was so cute.

   "You're so drunk" He laughed.

"Yur drunkerrr."

"Come on, let's go." He said pulling her toward her room.

"Ooooo, yur gonna go ta bed wid me, sailor?"

Luffy laughed. Usually speaking, they would all just pass out on the deck after a good party. But Misaki was spouting a lot of stuff half-hazard-ly and he knew if he didn't bring her to her room, someone else would. He finally got to her room and set her on her bed. She laughed and sat up, grabbing his shirt.

"C'mere." She said quietly. He bent over and she cupped his face in her hands, planting a kiss on his lips before pulling away and squeezing his face. She laughed as she squeezed and pulled his cheeks. "So rubberyyy". Damn, she is drunk.

"Do you mind?" He muttered. She looked at him and tilted her head, making his heart skip a beat. Stop it heart, now is NOT the time. She released his face and grabbed his shirt, pulling him into the bed.

"Misakiii." Luffy whined. He held himself up over her. Her hair was wild, strewn in every which direction with some of it over her face. She grinned, red tinting her cheeks as she stroked his face.

"Do you love me?" She said, almost as quiet as a whisper. Luffy brushed the hair out of her face. He felt his expression soften as he looked at her.

"How could I not?" He said, making her smile widen. He laid down next to her and watched her roll over to face him. Her hair fell in her eyes again, making him brush it away. Hands grasped at his shirt again as she pulled herself closer, dropping a kiss on his nose before smiling again. Damn. His heart was thudding wildly in his chest.

He was away from her for only a month, but it felt like so much longer. He knew it was definitely longer for her. He could see the scars it left her, living in the dark for so long. But the darkness was lifting, and her light was so much brighter than even before. It was beginning to shine through, and it made his heart melt.

"I love you." She whispered, her eyes fluttering shut. She snuggled her head into his neck, still grasping at his shirt as she drifted off to sleep. Luffy pulled the covers up, breathing deep as the soft sound of Misaki's snore filled his ears. He grinned to himself, wrapping her arms around her as he swiftly followed suit.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now