Let Her Sleep

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     Luffy woke up pretty early, as always. He didn't know what he wanted to do first — check on Misaki or scrounge around for some snacks. He wandered onto the deck only to see Misaki, leaning up against his first mate, sound asleep. Something tightened in his throat at the sight of it. He strode up to Zoro, and nudged him with his foot, possibly a little harder than he meant to.


   "—Shhhh." Zoro brought his finger up to his lips, his eyes still closed, cutting Luffy off. "Let her sleep."

  "What the Hell, Zoro?!" Luffy whisper yelled. He could feel his skin beginning to crawl and grit his teeth.

   "She came out last night looking as white as a ghost." He said, making Luffy pause for a moment. He felt a pit form in his gut.

   "We were really worried about her too." Nami whispered behind him, making him jump.

   "Did she say anything to you?" Luffy asked, his voice dropping another decibel. Nami shook her head, mumbling about a weird dream and he looked questioningly at Zoro, who shook his head too.

  "She just said something happened on the other side but she didn't want elaborate."

  "Do you wanna fill us in?" Nami said.

   Luffy's brow furrowed as he looked between Zoro and Misaki. His mind was cluttered with the memory of the last time he felt like this. He couldn't get the thought of Zoro and Misaki kissing out of his head.

    "Luffy?" Nami asked.

    "Hey, don't look at me like that! I haven't moved an inch." Zoro whispered, recognizing the look Luffy was giving him as his hat casted a shadow over his eyes. Misaki's head was rested on Zoro's shoulder as she snored softly. It was making Luffy's blood boil.

    "Why did she go to you?"

    "I was already out here! She probably didn't want to disturb you. Or she was so tired she couldn't make it that far."

   "And she just... fell right asleep? No issues?"

   "Luffy, she had just had a nightmare. I'm sure of it." Nami said, grabbing his shoulder. "I'm sure she just felt safe having Zoro around."

    Luffy pursed his lips. He believed both of them — it wasn't like that. But he couldn't figure out why he was so bothered that she could sleep so soundly pressed up against Zoro.

   "Did she say anything else to you?"

"Just that she's not ready to talk about it." Zoro said sharply, making Luffy flinch. Ok, so at least he got the same spiel as I did. Despite knowing that this was innocent, Luffy wanted desperately to snatch Misaki away from Zoro. He knew that wasn't the right call though, as he knew she needed to sleep. But God, did he want to. He gestured to the two.

   "I don't like this." He said quietly.

   "Luffy!" Nami said, taken aback.

   "You gotta take that up with Misaki." Zoro said, gritting his teeth at him. "You know I wouldn't do anything, Captain. Never again."

   "Again?!" Nami yelled in shock.

   "Shhhhhh!" The both shushed her, and she threw her hands over her mouth.

   "She is off limits. I know that." Zoro continued, "But Misaki also doesn't like being told what to do. And this is innocent. She just felt better with someone strong who could protect her. No offense, Nami."

   "None taken." Nami said.

   "Well, thanks for making her feel safe, I guess..." Luffy said, his bottom lip pulling up to pout.

  "Don't be like that, Captain."

   "I'm not! I just..." Luffy sighed. "I'm gonna go sneak some food." He said, slinking off.

   Zoro sighed and put his head back in his hand to sleep again when he suddenly felt a pop on his head. He grumbled and looked up at Nami, who looked absolutely pissed.

  "Again?!" She echoed, quiet but angry.

  "Shut up. It's none of your business." Zoro grumbled before receiving a closed fisted bonk to the top of the head.

  "Jeeeeeez!" He said, clasping his head. "Fine! We kissed once! It was before Luffy and her became a thing! Chill!"

   "Once?!" She threatened. "Just once?"

   "Pretty much, yeah." He said, rubbing his head.

   "Why? Why would you do that? We all knew Luffy liked Misaki back then." Nami chided softly.

   "This is old news, Nami. Luffy and I worked it out ages ago." He grumbled.

   "Do you like Misaki?" Nami said, straight and to the point.

   "Doesn't matter." Zoro grumbled. "Even if I did, those feelings have been long since dead and buried." He said. It didn't look like what he said was enough though, as Nami towered over him with her arms crossed. He sighed and continued. "I care about her. I also care about you and Robin. I care about the whole crew, except for curly brows."

  "You care about him too, shut up." She sighed, making his eyebrow twitch. She dropped her hands to her knees and bent over to peer at Misaki.  "Man, she's really out, huh?"

   "Yeah, I'm wondering if I can actually get away with putting her in her bed." He said, peeking at her.

"Maybe you should let Luffy do that." She said hesitantly. "I've never seen him that bothered before."

"He just left though!" Zoro groaned.

   "I'll go snag him."


I could tell the sun was coming out and even though my neck felt stiff, I didn't want to move. I could hear people talking around me but I was too tired to open my eyes. It got quiet for a minute before I felt a warm hand pull me in the other direction. I whined, my eyebrows putting down into a frown. I was so comfy.

I felt my head loll back as someone picked me up, cradling me in their arms. Something told me it was Luffy. I whined again as my head came to rest on his shoulder. Don't bring me back to bed. I don't want to be alone. I could feel my throat tighten as shadows casted over my eyelids, telling me we were inside. My body was so tired, that
I was limp in this person's arms. I whined again.

"It's alright, M', I won't leave you alone." A raspy but soft voice said. I could feel my heart do a flip. That's definitely Luffy.

"Here we go."

"Oh, Luffy!"

"Shhh. Sorry, Robin. Is it ok if I stay in here with her?"

"Yeah, that's fine Captain."

I felt myself getting placed gently in my soft bed. It was cold to the touch, making my face crinkle. The cold was short lived, however. I felt warm arms wrap around me, pulling me to his chest. I sighed heavily as the dark warmth shrouded around me, pulling me back into unconsciousness.

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