Orange like a....

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"Luffyyyy." I squeaked as he yanked me into the shower.

He laughed as he stretched his arm out to turn on the shower. As his arm snapped back into place, he grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss before snagging a wash cloth and wiping my face off. I giggled and snagged the rag, dipping it in the hot water to rinse it off before wiping the paint off of his face too.

"Nuh uh." He said, chuckling. "You're not gonna get it all off like that."

Next thing I knew, I was getting dragged into the shower, clothes and all.


"My my. They certainly are lively, aren't they?" Jean muttered, taking a sip of her tea.

She was sitting with Robin, Jimbei, and Franky as they drank tea together. She knew those two could be pretty bold together from their time over in her world, but to fool around in a large echoing bathroom? Even with a large ship like the Sunny, they could still be heard outside on the deck. It wasn't loud, per se, but even the faint sounds coming from behind several closed doors was enough to make a mother raise her eyebrows.

"To be honest, I'm just glad our captain is capable of such feelings. I was starting to think he really wasn't." Robin laughed as she pulled the tea cup back up to her lips.

Jean couldn't help but notice how absolutely lovely the girls were on this ship. Even Misaki herself was even more radiant than her original form — and she was a knockout just like her mother. It puzzled her to think that Luffy would have shown no interest in any other woman before Misaki.

"He was even more hard boiled than yours truly. A man among men." Franky said, letting out a thundering laugh. "But something about her just shook him to his core."

"The way he deals with any other woman, I'm surprised she broke through." Jimbei laughed. "But our captain is definitely smitten."

"I think it's healthy. Gives him something to think about other than fighting and food." Robin giggled. Everybody nodded in agreement.

"After all, he showers WAY more now." Nami teased, sitting down at the table with a cup of tea of her own.

Jean just kind of absorbed everything they were saying and smiled. They all spoke about Luffy with such love. Like he was their little brother. It was hard to believe that he was the captain of the ship — but it was obvious that when things got serious, Luffy was the one anybody could fall back on for support.

"And let's not forget about our lovely Misaki. She is positively glowing." Brook said, sitting down for his tea as well.

"It's amazing how much more beautiful a woman is when they are in love." Sanji agreed, setting down some sandwiches for everybody.

"I'll say." Usopp agreed before nudging Zoro, who was sitting on the outskirts of the group, napping. "I know Zoro would agree if he was awake.

"I'm sure he would." Jean frowned. The entire crew looked at her and laughed.

"I was actually kidding!" Usopp laughed.

"Yeah, Mama J! He would probably just ignore or grunt about us being idiots." Franky laughed.

"He's one to talk. What a total moron." Nami said, shaking her head.

"I can hear you guys ya know." Zoro muttered under his breath, his eyes still closed, making everybody giggle again.

"Awe come on, Mosshead. It's not like—"

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