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   Luffy's lips crushed into mine, making me take in a sharp breath. I kissed him back, my hands cupping his face. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me into the bathroom, shoving me up underneath the water and against the wall. He kept kissing me as our clothes began to soak under the water. He reached back, his shoulders rolling as he pulled his jacket off before grabbing my shirt and pulling it off over my head.

    Luffy's kiss was ferocious and hungry. Desperate. It was completely different than our last kiss. I fumbled with his shorts as he swiftly unbuckled and tore off my pants. He then ripped his pants down and kicked them out of the way. He kept kissing me, all while running his hands up and down my body, making me shiver.

    "You're so damn short." He murmured against me. He grabbed my hips and lifted me against the wall, pinning me there. I wrapped my legs around him, grabbing his neck to pull him into a closer kiss. Our tongues intertwined as I could feel his chest press up against mine. Water trickled down between us, tickling our skin as if it were in on this too. I could feel both of our hearts battling it out against each other.

      I felt Luffy roll and lift my hips, setting me down on his dick slowly before pounding into me roughly. I moaned into his lips as he went. I could feel his muscles rippling underneath me and all I wanted was for him to be even closer. I broke from our kiss and nuzzled his neck, making him moan.

   He squeezed my hips and slammed into me harder. It was hard to breathe like this. His movements were rough and aggressive. So aggressive, I feared for the wall behind me. I couldn't hold in my gasps as he took everything out on me.

    I looked at his face. His eyes were shut, his brows furrowed as he continued to push into me. He dropped his head onto my shoulder and I held him for a moment before picking his head up. I didn't want things to go like this.

   "Luffy, stop and look at me"

    Luffy froze. His eyes opened slowly as he made eye contact with me. I looked into his eyes, memorizing every detail of his face. I cupped his face and kissed him softly. He kissed me back, slowly rocking his hips into me as he did. Fuck. His energy changed. He was still kissing me urgently, with a sense of desperateness, but it was gentler, deeper. Instead of pounding hard and fast, he worked slow, and deep, moving his hips in a certain way that was sending chills up my body. He wasn't just fucking me anymore. He was...

    His hands interrupted my thoughts as he grasped at my waist, pulling me down and up with him as he rolled his hips. I felt my breathing becoming more erratic and shaky. I began shuddering against him and he pulled away to watch me as I orgasmed. His eyes watched as he memorized my face, like he was categorizing every expression I ever made. I collapsed into him and he kissed me tenderly on the cheek before pulling out, letting the water wash everything away.

     He kept ahold of me though, propping me on his arm as he turned off the water. He brought me over to the bath and settled us in, holding me in his lap. I had my face buried in his chest. I couldn't look at him. All of my emotions were bubbling up in that moment, and I felt myself starting to sob.

   "I know" he said calmly.


    "I know."

    "I don't!"

    "I know you don't." Luffy said quietly, petting my head. I had no clue what to do. My heart was tearing into pieces. The time to make a choice was near and just like Sanji thought, I was in over my head.

     "This is hard." I said, my voice wavering.

     "It's just a lead."

     "I thought I had more time."

     "Then take more time."

      "It's not that—"

     "— simple. I know."

     "Quit saying that!"

     "Misaki, they are far, ok? It will take weeks to get there. You've got time, ok?"

     "I... should we be doing this?" I said. I felt Luffy flinch. He must have known the question was coming.

     "I don't want to stop."

     "Won't it make it harder for you?" I said, my voice breaking. Luffy grasped my face and made me look at him.

      "Whether it's a few weeks or forever — I want to spend whatever time we have left together. As us. This—" he brought our foreheads together and continued "This is us."

     I put my hand on his and took a deep breath in, closing my eyes. "Us."

    "It's that simple." He said, making me giggle.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now