J burgers

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The sunlight burned my eyelids, making me scrunch my face. I opened my eyes and looked up from Luffy's chest.

"Hey sleepyhead."

"Hey." I said, yawning.

"You haven't moved an inch since you fell back asleep." He said softly.

"Hm." I hummed, looking at him with sleepy eyes.

"Honest, if I wasn't made of rubber, I probably would be all numb right now." He snickered.

I clutched his shirt, humming in response again.

"It's still pretty early. Do you wanna sleep a little longer?"

"No. Need food." Too hungry for pronouns.

"Then I'll get you something, then let's go see chopper." He said, squeezing me a little.

"So... told y' everything last night, huh?"

"Does that make you feel better?"

"Do you think I'm crazy?"

"Hell no! Even if you were, I like crazy!"

"Hah! That's a load off!"

"So... better?"



    "Luffy be quiet! I have to listen to her breathing and I can't do that while you are talking."

    "Sorry, Chopper." Luffy said, scratching his head. He kicked his legs while Chopper moved the stethoscope around Misaki's back and chest. Occasionally, he would ask her to take a deep breath.

    "It seems like you have pneumonia." He said, his brow furrowed as he set the stethoscope down.

    "Wait, what!" Luffy said, jumping up. "But she doesn't look that sick! She looked sicker just with a sinus infection."

    "It's called walking pneumonia. It's mostly asymptomatic, so it usually goes unnoticed until it's a bigger problem." Chopper said, making Misaki frown.

    "The question is when she got it, because that would decide which antibiotic to use. Did you accidentally aspirate any liquid in the other reality?"

    Misaki dropped her head. Luffy pursed his lips, knowing the answer was too hard for her to speak on her own.

    "Yeah. She did. It was just water though." Luffy said calmly.

    "Well water can cause it too. I'm shocked you noticed this so quickly, Misaki. It could have gone way worse if you didn't."

   "I had a good tip off." She said quietly.

   "Did it have anything to do with your nightmare from the other night?" Chopper said.

   "Wha—? Did you?" Misaki turned toward Luffy in jest and he threw his hands up.

   "No! I'm innocent, I swear!"

   "Nami told me." Chopper said. "I'm sorry, Misaki, but if there were anymore pain related issues in your dream, then I need to know about it!"

    "I... I had... erm... a lot of pain in my forehead.... And um... my stomach... like I was... really hungry." Misaki stammered, biting her lip.

     Luffy looked at her apologetically. For two days, she was starved and tortured. Not only was she forced to relive it through her dreams but now she had to keep talking about it after he made her do it once already.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now