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Kid yawned, feeling a tear prick in his eye as he sat up and stretched. He glanced behind him to see his cape still balled up in a heap over Misaki. He half expected to see the peculiar woman up and training by now, but much to his surprise, he hadn't even heard her move since before sunrise. It was nearly mid morning, too. The sun baked the sand, making it hot to the touch. It made him wonder why she would still be under the cape on such a warm morning. He got up and looked over the pathetic pile. He got that they stayed up a little later than the day before, but this was getting to be outright lazy!

"Ok, 'Saki. I feel like you've slept in enough. Why don't you give that back." He said, reaching down to snatch the cape from her.

At first, he thought she clung tight to it. But it seemed that she was simply laying on the edges, as a simple pull was enough to roll her out of it. His eyes widened when he saw her, laying there on her side. She was pale. Much paler than the night before, aside from her forehead being red, as well as just around her nose. Her eyes were tightly glued shut, her brow furrowed as she breathed heavily. If her labored breathing wasn't enough, she was shivering violently, despite being soaked from head to toe in sweat.

"What the Hell?" He said, kneeling next to her.

He placed his hand on her forehead before quickly snapping his hand away from her. That's beyond hot. He grimaced. She forced her eyes open and looked at him. All the shine and sparkle that had been in her eyes the night before had faded. These eyes were dull and lifeless. She opened up her mouth to say something, but the only sound that escaped was a dry heave from her throat as she tried to take a breath in.

He looked closely at her. Her lips were cracked and dry. Duh. She's been sweating. Water. He quickly realized that the only water source they had were those damned coconuts. He got up and grabbed his cape, draping it back over her before retrieving a coconut. This time, he simply cracked the top off, making it easier to retain as much liquid as possible.

"You gotta drink this." He said, kneeling next to her and sitting her up with one hand while handing her the coconut with the other. Her hands slowly came up to meet with his, grasping the makeshift bowl. Her hands trembled as she desperately drank, tilting her head back to get every bit out of it that she could.

As she drank, Kid felt his eyes draw to the wound on her arm. It was incredibly inflamed and as red as a cherry. It wasn't just the stitches that were swollen anymore. Now, it was more than half of her arm, reaching from her elbow, all the way through her shoulder and into her back and chest. That's the worst infection I think I've ever seen. She then muttered something inaudible and sank back down into the sand, pulling the cape up like a child would the covers.

"Hey 'Saki...." Kid began. He waited a moment for a response. It took him a moment to realize that he couldn't hear her breathing anymore.

"Fuck — MISAKI?!" He said, yanking the cape off of her again.

She wasn't responding. Her face had grown softer. He pressed his fingers against her neck, checking for a pulse. It was weak, but it was there. He was surprised by how quick the pulse was, despite feeling so weak. He leaned down and listened for carefully for her breathing. It was still labored and rasping as she breathed in, though it was much quieter. He breathed a sigh of relief. At least she's still alive. Her brow furrowed and she shuddered, her shivers getting more violent. At least, for now.

He covered her back up and looked around. He wasn't the best at herbs, but he did know a few that helped with infections. But if what Misaki said was true, it meant he was going to have to face some insecurities to even go into that forest, let alone find what he needed.

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