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Where... where am I?

I blinked a few times, my eyes taking a moment to adjust. My head hurt. Badly. I was in a dimly lit room, laying on a hard table.

"Look whose finally back amongst the living." A familiar and ever so hated voice sang.

   "Well well well, if it isn't good ole Dick Bradley." I said, attempting to sit up before realizing my wrists were strapped to the table.

"It's Detective Brady you little brat."

"I'd rather just call you Dick." I sneered. He laughed.

"You're a little shit, you know that?

"Oh? How so?" I hummed nonchalantly.

"You put up quite the fight."

"If I can recall, I believe I got a few good shots in."

"A few good?... you pulled me through the door just so you could shut the damn thing on my head!"

"Yeah, that was pretty smooth." I lamented.

"And you bit me!"

"Well, you had me in a headlock!"

"And you broke a few of my ribs while you were at it..."

    "What did you expect? You were trying to kidnap me, Dick Cheney."

    "Stop calling me that!" He snapped before grabbing his head. "Ugh, my head still hurts from all that."

   "Once I saw that head, I knew you'd have trouble with it." I teased dryly. He scoffed at me.

In all actuality, he wasn't the only one with a splitting headache. I thought back to when he had me in that headlock. I remember I elbowed him with all of my might . When that didn't work, I bit him as hard as I could, drawing blood and tearing his skin. I remembered him repeatedly pummeling my head right where I had been pistol whipped earlier to try and get me to stop. That must have been when he knocked me out.

"Well now, the tables have turned. Quite literally." He said as he tilted the table back.

   "Where are we, anyways?"

   "Far, far away from anyone who could help you." He said, a wry grin creeping up on his face. "It's at least a day's journey by car. And that's only if you know where you're going."

"You're wasting your time. I won't mutter a single word about how he did it. I don't even know the proper details anyways."

"I need far more information than just the how, my dear."

"Don't call me that. It's gross, Dick."

"Then don't call me Dick."

"Fine." I said. "Detective Chodely."

"You ought to start watching your mouth, girl!" He snapped, a deep growl ripping through his throat. He got closer to me, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I hold all the cards now."

    "Do you now?" I asked calmly.

    He chuckled, continuing to press the chair backwards until I was at an angle of about 20 degrees. Nothing too dramatic, but it did give me a sensation that I may fall onto my head.

   "Have you ever heard of water boarding?"

   "I've heard the phrase, but I don't really think it's worth looking into torture methods, considering I'm not a sociopath."

    "Well, you see... the human body is an interesting thing. By laying you on this angle and placing this rag over your face, I can simulate the sensation of drowning." He placed the rag over my face, covering my mouth and my nose. "All I have to do is.... This...."

    He poured water over my face. I could feel the water trickle into my nose. Next thing I knew, I was gagging, unable to take a breath in. I had never been afraid of drowning before. People would claim that it was a pretty peaceful way to die. Those people obviously had never died before though. Or drowned. If I wasn't afraid of drowning before, I certainly was now. My lungs felt like they were burning and I couldn't stop gagging. I don't know how long he did it for, but it felt like an eternity before he set the table up so that the water could flood back out of my nose. He pulled the rag off my face as I hacked up water. I coughed and coughed.

"Feel like talking now?" He said as I settled.

I swallowed. My lungs started burning again, making me cough again. I glared up at this man. He looked so damn smug.

"Go to Hell." I sneered.

"Hm... you know, you've got some guts. Most military men crack after only 15 seconds of this torture method. We actually have to train them to handle it." He started tilting me back again.

Fear gripped my chest. I grit my teeth. No way body. Don't you dare. My body's reaction was only natural. It didn't want to be put back through that. It wanted me to spill everything I knew to this man, just to get him to stop. But the strong and primal desire to prevent feeling like I was on death's door was not strong enough for me to crack. I had a desire that far exceeded my primal urge to spill everything. The desire to protect this world from people like him. Luffy...

The water flooded back through my nose, making me gag and choke. Luffy. I wasn't there anymore. Instead, I was on the Sunny, relaxing as Luffy and I listened to Bink's sake. Chopper was playing with Usopp and Nami was busy navigating. Robin was reading a book right near us....

The table tilted forward and I coughed, gasping for air like it was the last time I would ever get to breathe. I glared up through my lashes at this devilish man. He wants military might, huh?

"Really? Do you have a death wish? This torture could cause you permanent damage, you know!"

"Go. To. Hell." I coughed.

  "Hm. Very well then." He tilted the chair back.


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