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Luffy shook me, mumbling about breakfast. I woke up as I should have, in the arms of the man I loved. Whether he remembered me or not, at least I was waking up in his arms. I stretched, making him laugh.

"What's so funny?" I yawned.

   "You just know how to make yourself comfortable." He snickered.

   "You're one to talk." I said, pushing his shoulder.

   "You got a point." He snickered. "So? Breakfast?"

   "Absolutely!" I grinned.

We had a pretty normal breakfast. Luffy stealing, everybody pissed that he was stealing. Even a little of me grabbing him by the ear and chiding him while he laughed. Very of the norm.

When we made our way out of the dining room, the transponder snail began to ring. Luffy strode up to it and picked up, answering in his typical Luffy fashion.

"Hello, this is Monkey D. Luffy! Future King of the Pirates."

"Luffyyyy senpaiiiiiii!" A familiar and very annoyingly sweet voice hollered out from the snail. My eyes narrowed. Ughhhhh.

"Oh! Hancock! What's up?"

"I just wanted to see what my man is up to!" She swooned.

"I'm not your man, Hancock." Luffy said, rolling his eyes.

"Ohhhhh! Even when you're cold you're so amazinnnngg!"

Ugh, I can't listen to this simp. I walked into the aquarium, hoping to escape the ridiculousness.


Luffy stopped listening the moment he saw Misaki storm away. He could tell she was upset, but he wasn't sure exactly why.


"Uh, sorry Hancock. I gotta go."

"Oh, ok. Byyeeee Luffy Senpaiiiiiii!"


Luffy walked into the aquarium, waving at the others to show them not to follow, and shut the door.

"Hey, you ok?" Luffy said. Misaki groaned as she paced around the aquarium.

"That woman just frustrates me, ok?!"

"Why? She's harmless!" He said, furrowing his brow.

"She just does!" Misaki yelled, throwing her hands into the air.

Luffy watched her for a moment, wondering what to say. She was still pacing like crazy.

"M'... I'm not... uh... you remember when I asked if you liked Sanji?" Luffy said, making Misaki stop in her tracks.

"You remember that?"

"I guess so." He shrugged, not really planning to go in that direction. "I just brought it up cause...You can ask me questions too, you know."

Misaki looked at him blankly. Luffy wasn't sure what he should do, so he just threw his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. He could feel his face getting hot as she stared at him. Come on, M'. Figure it out already. She took a deep breath in and then breathed out one simple question.

"Is there any part of you that likes her?"

Luffy smiled and shook his head. "Not like that." He said.

Misaki sat down and sighed. "I knew that."

"Then why did you ask?" He said, sitting down next to her. Her eyes glistened against the aquarium lights, making something in his gut do a flip.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now