Captain Kid

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   "H-hey! You alive over there?!" I said, a little panicked.

   I really wasn't sure what I should do. Jaggy was not necessarily the best guy out there. He was known for attacking civilians if they mocked him over trying to find the One Piece. Even so much as a snicker could result in instantaneous death. But I couldn't just leave someone to die out here, either.

    I tried shaking the big guy, accidentally knocking loose some of the feathers from his cape. Nothing. Ok, time to put my skills to the test here. I yanked him onto his back, struggling at how cumbersome he was. Seriously though. His shoulder width was almost as big as I was tall.

    It wasn't like he was as big as some of the truly enormous men in this world. But damn. He was hefty. His neck could have its own gravitational pull. I'm being a little dramatic. He wasn't as big as Franky, nor as tall as Brook, but he was annoyingly big for me to have to roll over.

    I leaned down, pressing my ear over his chest to listen for a heart beat. Despite hearing one, he wasn't breathing. I kept having to remind myself how much hardier people were here. He probably  had water in his lungs.

   I crinkled my nose. I really don't wanna do mouth-to-mouth with this clown. I pushed down on his diaphragm a little and grimaced. Not to mention Luffy would never let me hear the end of me touching lips with his rival and frenemy.

   I clasped my hands together and lifted them as high as I could, even bending my back away from the man. I let out a scream as I brought my hands down with all my might, hitting his diaphragm.  A very loud thud rang out over the beach before he sat straight up, spewing water and coughing heavily. I smiled.

   "Oh good! You're alive!" I chimed as he continued to hack and cough.

"Who the Hell are you?!" He growled.

I smiled, resisting the urge to call him by the nickname Luffy gave him. "I'm Misaki," Jaggy.

   "Where the Hell are we?!" He coughed, making my eyebrow twitch. I snatched his ear. "Ow ow! What the Hell, woman?!" He said, glaring at me.

"I'm Misaki. And now you are supposed to tell me your name, you brute!" I snapped.

"It's Kid! Eustace Kid!" He snapped back.

I let go of his ear and sighed. "Was that so hard?"

Jaggy leaned toward me, making me internally wince. Why the Hell did I do that? This guy is volatile and violent! Externally, however, I was unflinching. He sneered at me for a moment, clearly annoyed by my actions. I crinkled my nose back at him, refusing to break eye contact as he glared at me. After what seemed like an eternity, he cracked a smile.

"You're calling me a brute? I like your spunk!" He laughed.

He patted me on the shoulder and stood up, patting the sand off of himself as he looked around. I looked up at him, still not moving. His shadow casted over me, enveloping me in shade.

"Any idea where I could get some food on this island? I'm starving."

I pointed at the tree line. "There are coconuts right over there." I said.

He sneered, grabbing me by the shoulders to stand me up in front of him. "You think I'm gonna eat that shit?! I need real food!"

"Well, unless you know how to make a fishing rod, that's about all you've got." I said calmly. "I would avoid the fog at all costs if I were you."

"I do what I want!" He snapped. His stomach growled and he grit his teeth, turning around as he went to head into the fog.

"I wouldn't though!" I said desperately, grabbing his sleeve. He stopped short and looked back at me. "There's no animals. No food. You would just be wasting your energy!" I said.

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