Home is Where...

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Holy shit. My eyes snapped open and I looked at Nami. She was still looking at her charts, her brow furrowed and her shoulders tense at the thought of taking me to this place.

"Nami... you can stop." I said quietly.

"What? What do you mean?" Nami said, looking up at me.

I strode over to her and put my hand over her chart, smiling at her. "Stop."

   Her eyes widened as she looked at me. Her shoulders relaxed and a smile broke out across her face. "Really?" She said, so quiet it was almost a whisper.

   I nodded, breaking out into a full sunshine smile, just like Luffy's. "We don't have to go anymore."

   Nami squealed and threw her arms around my neck, jumping up and down. "EVERYBODY! COME HERE!" She yelled.

   Everybody came over, confused as to why Nami was so animated. Luffy looked at me and tilted his head.

   I smiled as Nami kept hugging me. My heart swelled as I looked out over my dearest of friends. "All this time, I've been so torn. Should I go home, or should I stay? I had my reasons for both. But..."

    I closed my eyes, feeling the wind blow against me again. Sabo was right all along. "I needed to stop overthinking it. The real question wasn't which place was the right answer. It wasn't about pros and cons."

   I put out my hands to my friends. "It was about where I felt the most at home. You guys.." I struggled to find the words for a moment. "Home is where you make it. You guys became my family. You guys are my home." Luffy broke into the biggest smile I had ever seen.

   "We don't have to go to see this dimension hopping dude." I said with a giggle. "Cause I'm already home! I'm staying here!"

    Everybody cheered and ran up to me for a giant group hug. Franky and Brook were blubbering, and even Usopp was sobbing. Sanji rubbed his cheek on mine and Zoro knuckled my head like a savage. Robin and jimbei smiled and hugged me gently. And then Luffy grabbed us all, stretching his arms around us so he could lift and spin us all around. When he set us down, he grabbed just me, planting a giant kiss on my lips.

     "YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS, GUYS!" Luffy yelled, holding me to his chest.

    "BANQUETTE!!!!!!!" They all screamed.

     Everybody laughed as Sanji flitted to the kitchen to whip up some food. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be here. Not a single thread of regret hung over my head. I didn't even want to explore the option anymore. I was home. No point in dwelling on the past.

    Luffy ran ahead of me as we all headed to the center of the deck for food. Sanji was quick with the appetizers. Good thing too. With how elated I felt, all I wanted to do was eat and party with everyone.

     As I walked forward to join the fray, I felt a tug from behind me, pulling me back off me feet. I felt like I was getting sucked backwards. My eyes widened in realization. I threw out my hand and screamed out his name. Luffy looked back, fear lighting up across his face as he reached back toward me. "MISAKI!"

   I landed on my back, my eyes pinched shut. Fear laced my entire body as I started to tremble. Tears pricked at my eyes as the cold air rushed into my lungs. There's no way. All I could see was the look on Luffy's face. I forced my eyes open as I heard a horse nickering in the distance.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now