Day 7

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I woke up feeling refreshed and absolutely amazing. Surprising, considering how rough Luffy had been with me the night before. Though, considering how strong he actually is, I suppose he wasn't being that rough.

I could hear Luffy breathing deeply, a telltale sign that he was awake and simply waiting for me to wake up. It was crazy to think just how much less sleep he needed in comparison to me. The man truly was an enigma, no matter what world he was in.

"You awake?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" I asked curiously.

"You have the cute little snore when you sleep." He said. I could hear the smile in his face, so I knew to him, it was a good thing. But to me, it was mortifying.

"I snore??" I whined, my face turning red.

"Very little." Luffy chimed. "Veryyy cute."

"At least you find it cute. I find it horrifying."

"Stop it! Like I said, it's cute, so stop whining about it." Luffy said, pinching my cheek.

I angrily pinched his cheek back and pulled to stretch his face a little. He giggled and smushed my face so that my lips would pucker, planting a big ole kiss on me, making me laugh.

"How're you feeling? Did you get to sleep well?" Luffy asked. In other words 'was our little session last night helpful?'

"I slept like a baby." I said, kissing him again. "Thank you."

"I wasn't too rough, was I? Like... you aren't sore, right?"

In all actuality, I might have been a little sore, but I didn't want him to never do that again, so I shook my head. "I feel amazing."

"Good, I'm glad!" He said, giving me his sunshine smile. "I was massaging you too last night but you fell asleep so I don't know if you remember."

   "It was super relaxing! Probably why I fell asleep." I laughed.

   "Are you hungry? Cause I'm starving."

   "Then let's go eat!"

    We got dressed and made our way to the kitchen. My mom was there with her morning cup of coffee. She already had a plates worth of scrambled eggs and bacon made up for us.

   "Morning!" We both chimed at her. She raised her eyebrows as she took a sip of her coffee. We immediately started digging in, not even making it to the table.

   "Morning. Y'all certainly got rowdy last night, didn't cha?"

   We both spat our food and coughed for a second. Really, momma???

   "I uhh... I can explain." Luffy started. I smacked him on the chest.

   "Don't try to explain it!"

   "Actually, I would love to hear him try." Mom interjected. "What was it? Small elephants invaded her room?"

   "No!" He said, as stone faced as he could possibly be. "She couldn't sleep so I helped her get so tired that she had to sleep."

  "With rough sex." My mom added.

   "That's right." Luffy confirmed, still with a blank expression.

    I couldn't help but respect his straight shooting nature sometimes. The man had cojones, that was for sure. Apparently, my mom had to respect it too, as she finally broke the silence by laughing.

   "Well, at least you're honest." She chuckled.

   "Oh I couldn't lie to you, Momma J. I'm a terrible liar, you've already seen that."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now