Sorry (Part 2)

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God, my head hurts. I sat up, realizing I was in my room. Nami and Robin were there, looking at me apologetically. I felt my eyes get dull, realizing it was not a dream, after all.

"What time is it?"

"Bed time." Nami said. I frowned.

"I thought you were gonna get a room tonight?"

"Yeah... it's ok." She said, shaking her head at me. "I would rather be here."

"Why? So you can babysit me?" I said, a little miffed.

"No. So we can be here for you. I'd say that's pretty important, wouldn't you?"

"What's it matter anyways?" I said, standing up. "It doesn't change anything."

"Misaki, you should really get some sleep." Robin said, standing up and grabbing my hand.

"Apparently I've been sleeping all day." I said, tilting my head. "I'd rather go get some fresh air."

They looked at each other, a look of mutual concern crossing over their faces. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be fine. Scouts honor."

I made my way out onto the deck, ignoring their protests. All I wanted to do was sit and look at the stars. It was a crystal clear night, a little nip in the air despite being so humid. I wished I brought my scarf, but I was so keen to get away from them that I left without it again. I folded my legs into Indian style and sat back to look up at the stars. They were as brilliant as ever, making me feel a little better.

  "Whatcha doin, M'?" Luffy said, sitting next to me, just close enough that I could feel the heat radiating off of him.

  "Just looking at the stars." I said, glancing out of the corner of my eye at him. He was mimicking my stance, looking up just like I was. He peered out of the corner of his eye at me and then quickly looked back at the sky.

  "Sure is pretty." He hummed.

  "Yeah, it sure is."

We sat there for a minute, taking in the beauty of the stars together. It took everything in my power not to look at him. Though, maybe I shouldn't have been so worried about something like that, considering how many times he kept stealing glances at me. Finally, he broke the silence.

   "Hey M'?"


   "I'm sorry I called you annoying. You're not annoying."

   "I'm sorry I cried." I sighed, still looking at the stars.

   "I'm sorry I made you cry."

"It wasn't you." I said, looking at him. "Just the situation."

He huffed and stretched out his legs, wiggling his feet out of nervousness. "The situation, huh?" Luffy's gaze dropped, staring blankly forward as he continued. "Chopper said you've been traveling with us longer than I remember, but that I have to remember things at my own pace." He looked pretty annoyed when he said it, his bottom lip pressing up into a pout. "I wanna know." He whined.

I laughed, watching him intently as I thought about it. "Luffy, can I tell you something?" Considering I told him this on the first night, I figured I could get away with it.

"Hm?" Luffy said, finally bringing his gaze to me. My heart lurched in my chest when our eyes met, making me stutter a little.

"W-well... I'm not from this world."

"Whaaaaat?! Like an alien?!" He said, looking up at the sky again in awe. A loud HA! blurted out out of my mouth before I threw my hand over it, trying to stifle the giggles. That's almost word for word...

"No, silly! Like a different reality!" I said, making Luffy's eyes light up as he looked back at me.

"Can you tell me about it?" He said.

"I don't really know how much I can tell you. I don't want to mess with your memories by mistake." I said, averting my eyes from his gaze. He leaned in closer until I could feel his hot breath against my cheek.

"Party pooper." He said shortly, making me giggle. It was a phrase my mom used often, so, naturally, Luffy adopted the phrase himself at some point. Hearing it made me feel a little better, despite the heaviness of the situation still weighing me down.

"It's ok, Luffy. Just give it time." I said, laying back into the grass. I laced my fingers under my head and looked up at the sky. I could feel Luffy's presence as he shifted to lay down next to me. His elbow touched mine, making us both jump a little before settling back down.

"I'm sorry I don't remember. I feel like I should, if that helps." He said softly.

"Just give it time." I said again, taking a deep breath.


Luffy laid back with her, contemplating if he should even bother with half the questions he wanted to ask her. He had so many, but one single question kept burning in his mind. He opened his mouth, but hesitated, afraid it might upset her again. He looked over at her. Her blond hair was messy and splayed all around as she laid there. It was even a little in her face, making him want to brush it off to the side. Her eyes were shut and relaxed. No — he couldn't ask her when she was this calm. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, looking back up at the sky.

"Misaki." She breathed. He looked at her, a soft hm? escaping his lips as he watched her intently. "My name is Misaki."

"Ah." He said, pursing his lips. He wasn't sure how she knew, but he was glad he didn't have to ask. "I promise... I'll remember it." He said. He meant it. "Is it ok that I still call you M'?"

Misaki furrowed her brow. She wasn't expecting that question. Luffy never once asked her if it was ok to stick her with that nickname in the past.

  "You sure you're ok, Luffy?" She said, turning over and putting her hand up to his forehead. Luffy averted his eyes and pouted.

  "I was just asking since you cried and everything." He said, making her drop her hand.

  "I didn't cry because of that. You can call me that, I don't mind." She said, locking eyes with him, her cheek resting on her hand.

   He held her gaze, unable to break away from those blue eyes. Her hair fell more into her face, and he fought the urge to move it. He noticed her eyes moved a little, as if she was searching his eyes for something. The longer he kept his gaze on her, the more red her cheeks got. Finally, he grinned, making her tear her eyes away and look back into the stars.

  "Does this mean we can be friends?" He asked earnestly. A soft huff escaped from her nose and she chuckled.

  "Friends? Always."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now