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    "What's wrong, Detective Dick?" Misaki grinned. The detective pulled out his phone,
Which was ringing uncontrollably. He stepped into the corridor.

    "What's going on?"

   "S-sir! H-h-he's here!"

    "That's impossible! How could he have found us?! And this quick?!"

    "I don't know! B-but h-he..."

    "I don't care how you do it! Kill him! Contain him! We have the girl so just get rid of him!"

   "Th-that's the thing, sir... h-he's... it looks like he really is bulletproof."

    "We have a back up for that! Just use the spear guns or sleeping darts!"

   "That's the other thing. He's sort of... too fast to hit?"

   "You're telling me we've got sharp shooters of all sorts in this base and they can't hit one man?!" He yelled, his face getting red.

   "You don't understand sir! He's not a man! He-he's a monster!"

   "I don't care what you think he—!"

   "Agh! N-no! I give — HEY—!"

   "Officer?! Officer?!"

   There was a shuffle on the other line. Next thing he knew, someone else was talking.

   "Hello? This is Monkey D. Luffy, future King of the Pirates, and I'm here to kick your ass and take Misaki back!"

   The detective felt the blood drain out of his face. He hung up the phone and walked back into the interrogation room.

   "Awe, what's wrong Douche Canoe? Did things not go to plan?" Misaki said, a wry grin on her face. This fucking bitch.

He strode over to her, shoving the contraption away and grabbing her face. He got nose to nose with her.

"How the Hell did he do it?!"

"Do what?!"

"Don't play coy with me you little shit!! I know you know!!"

And then, she started laughing. A big bellied, throat rattling laugh. The Detective could feel his face getting red. His blood was boiling with rage. He pulled the table up so it was sitting upright and unstrapped everything but her wrists, letting her hang there as she laughed. This man towered over her, even with the table giving her an extra foot of height.

"You think this is funny?! I'll make you regret ever laughing!"

"Go ahead and try it!" She laughed. "Luffy will give it back to you ten fold!"

He froze before laughing himself. "Then I'll have to remove you and I from the equation."

"Dummy, he'll find me anywhere you go." She said, sticking her tongue out at him.

And that's when he finally lost it.


I snickered as he grabbed me by the collar and pushed me up harder against the table.

"How?!?!" He growled. "How will he find you?!"

"Instinct." I snickered, winking at him. Like I would ever tell you about the vivre card.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my gut. Detective Dick had started punching me with something on his fists. Are those... brass knuckles?

"Tell me the truth you wench!"

I coughed. Fuck. He punched hard, really hard. I now knew why my face hurt so bad. If he was punching me in the temple with those, I could see how it would knock me out after a few good shots.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now