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Falling asleep was harder than I expected. Despite being fully satisfied and now exhausted, a buzz of excitement mixed with nervousness kept me from sleeping. I nestled into Luffy's arms, hoping my heart's wild beating would go unnoticed. I couldn't believe how nervous Luffy had been. Usually, it was just me, alone on the island of nerves and self consciousness.

I thought back to how he missed my lips. How he stiffened and moved less fluid and relaxed than he normally did. How my skinny jeans clung tight to my skin, causing me to get pulled down with them. I silently giggled as I remembered how funny it was to suddenly be looking at his belly button. He was so embarrassed, but I found it so charming and adorable. I couldn't believe how absolutely cute he was being.

It reminded me of back before he actually kissed me — how clumsy and unsure he would get when he was flustered for any reason. It was nice to know I could still have that kind of effect on him. But I also wanted him to be confident and sure of things. I didn't want him feeling all that pressure.

I took a breath and nuzzled into his neck. My heart fluttered as his grasp on me tightened. He pressed his cheek firmly against my head and huffed through his nose before continuing to snore. I smiled to myself as the vibrations from his snore rattled into my head. It was somehow soothing. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I yawned. My eyes got heavier as he hummed happily against me. I could tell he was smiling as he snored, and it made my heart soar.

   It wasn't like I wasn't nervous as all get out too. After all, this was Luffy — a childish, sometimes incredibly immature individual trying out a very adult thing. I knew he enjoyed the closeness of everyone else as well, so the concept of just changing our sleeping arrangements suddenly could be fun for now, but grow old quick. The first night was scary, for sure... even though we had spent nights together, there was far more pressure to this one. But it was the days to come that worried me most. It was his attention span, his immaturity.

    Luffy had grown a lot since she first met him. He had way more emotional maturity, driven by his need to make things work with me. I tried to think about when the change really occurred. It was probably way back, when he yelled about how he would never love me, just to get his friends off his back. I grinned a little, wishing he was awake so I could bust his balls about that. To think how far he had come since then. Part of me worried he may have outgrown me in relationship maturity. It wouldn't be a bad thing. I could be pretty immature too. Lets not all forget my irrational jealousy of Boa Hancock. Or my incessant need to piss off any guy that hits on me that isn't Luffy. Or at least most guys.

    To me, Luffy was as close to perfect as he could get. But to me, I was anything but perfect. I wanted so badly to be someone he could count on, no matter what circumstance. I wanted so badly to be strong and confident and, more than anything, I wanted to be someone that helped make him feel as free as he could be.

   "M'?" Luffy muttered, making me freeze. "You need to sleep."

   "Damn. Guess you caught me." I sighed.

    Luffy nestled into me more and kissed me on top of my head. My heart swelled as he sighed happily, his arms tightening around me. This was pure bliss. Pure bliss, being in his arms. The idea of being in such pure bliss every night from now on was both exhilarating and terrifying. His snore started rattling through his throat again, making me giggle. It still amazed me, how quick he could fall asleep. I took a deep breath in, letting his snore lull me to sleep.


Luffy scrunched his face at the sun beaming through the windows. The smell of strawberries wafted up into his nose, making him grin. Misaki was snoring lightly, quietly, nestled deep in his arms. This was pure bliss. The only thing that could make it better would be a plate of meat. But this was pretty much perfect.

He didn't have to open his eyes to know how beautiful she looked in this moment. He had seen her serene and soft expression so many times, he had it memorized, down to her slightly parted lips, her eyelashes that would occasionally flutter against her cheeks, and her hair trying to fall into her face. Despite knowing, he couldn't help but sneak a peak.

He loved this woman. Her perfect imperfections. Her heart, her soul, her face, her personality. Just. Everything. It made him want to dance, jump, laugh, yell... and his heart... it reminded him of how his heart felt when he was at his freest form. Chaotic, free, bouncing around to the beat of a drum. Except he felt even more satisfied, with Misaki in his arms. I guess I shouldn't compare the two, but whatever.

Misaki mumbled and nuzzled into his neck, making his heart beat harder. He chuckled to himself as he wondered if it was healthy to feel like this all the time. If it isn't, it's worth it anyways.

He wondered if he should wake her up or let her sleep a little longer. He knew she didn't sleep as much as he did last night, after all. But, God, was he hungry too. Fighting the urge to go eat was not always his strong suit. Misaki always joked that meat was his other love. Mistress meat, she would call it. He chuckled again at the thought of it, eliciting an annoyed whine from the sleepy girl resting in his arms. Damn. Guess that's my answer. Gotta let her sleep a little longer.

   He contemplated trying to sneak out to grab some food, but when she snuck her arms underneath his, wrapping them around his torso, he knew he was stuck. Happily stuck. Slightly sad, stuck, but still happy.

His stomach growled and he stifled a groan as Misaki whined again at him. His stomach growled again. This time it felt like a wild animal, desperately trying to claw its way out of his stomach. Come on, stomach, I'm trying to.... Another growl clawed at his stomach, making him wince.

   Misaki groaned and rolled away from him, making his heart sink a little. It's not like I told my stomach to growl. Luffy went to pull his arms away but she quickly grabbed them, pulling his hands to her lips and kissing them gently. Oh. He let her cradle his arms into her chest and sighed heavily as his stomach growled again.

"You gonna take care of that, Lu?" She hummed, making him flinch.

"I like when you're all cozy and snuggly like this." Luff diverted, burying his face in her hair.

Misaki nestled into him a little, wiggling her butt as she scooted backwards. Luffy couldn't help but chuckle at her. He squeezed her tightly and showered her with light kisses, making her giggle. She nestled further into him, hugging his arms and humming happily.

As she settled back into her soft little snore, Luffy swooned at her cuteness. He absolutely adored her little snore. It was so little, so dainty, so cute. He was always so thankful to hear such a serene, soft little snore escaping her after everything she had been through. It made him want to relax and go back to sleep with her. But just as he was ready to snuggle down and go back to sleep, another rumbled roared from his stomach, making her laugh out loud.

"Let's get breakfast, dummy."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now