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I pulled myself up to the top of the crow's nest again, brimming with excitement. Day two of climbing to the top was far easier than the first. I had to take a few days in between to rest and train, but it was worth it.

"Holy shit, you made it up!" I heard Zoro say.

"Oops... didn't know... you were... up here." I gasped. I looked up to see Zoro grinning at me from across the room.

"Chopper would be so mad." He teased.

"I have to get better quicker." I whispered. "This is the last step."

"Have you told Luffy yet?"

"This is only my second time getting up here."

"That's not what I meant."

     I looked at him, confused. I hadn't made any decisions still, so what was he talking about?

    "About your haki awakening."

    "Oh. That. Yeah I was surprised. I didn't think I could use haki since I am not from here."

     "It's proof."

     "Proof of what?"

     "Proof that you belong here, if that's what you choose." Zoro said, quickly adding "no pressure though."

      I rolled my eyes. Pressure received. "Zoro, where is everybody standing with this?"

     Zoro hesitated for a moment. "We will support whatever decision you make." He said plainly.

    "But what do you think I should do?"

     "Nope, it doesn't work like that."

     "Why not?!" I said, rolling onto my elbows and looking at him.

     "Not my decision, not my opinion."

      I puffed out my cheeks. "Come on, Zoro. Be my friend and give me something."

     "I am being your friend."

     "No, you're being a bull-headed shit-head like always."

     "And you're being an indecisive twerp."

      "Ouch." I joked.

      "I'm serious.

      "I know."

      "Then make a decision already. I don't think you have unlimited trips back and forth if we find this guy."

      "Wouldn't it be nice, though?"

      "Popping in and out of realities has to have a cost, Misaki. There are drawbacks for every devil fruit. Just cause this guy has this ability, it doesn't mean he can do it easily."

     "No, I know. I get it."

     "What's bugging you?" Zoro said, rolling his eyes. It bugs me that you can read me like a book.

    "I guess... even if I decided to stay, I wish I could at least go back for a little while, just so I could tell my family and friends that I'm alive and that I am ok."

    "I guess that makes sense" Zoro admitted. "Does that mean you're leaning toward staying though? If you have thought about that?"

   "If you won't give me your opinion, I am not going to share which way I'm leaning." I said, making Zoro huff. In all actuality, I was pretty much teetering in both directions wildly. I had no idea what to do, and just wished I had some guidance. But nobody would give me any.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now