Wake Up!

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   I was so comfortable, all I wanted to do was stay there forever. I snuggled up tighter against Luffy, grinning as he muttered in his sleep before snoring loudly. Nami was snuggled up against my back and Usopp and Sanji were still head to head with me. My hand no longer clutched onto Zoro's shirt, instead wrapping around Luffy. But his hand still rested on my forearm — strong and sturdy. I realized too that Robin was spooning Zoro so that she could cup her hand over mine. I giggled to myself, wondering if that was the only reason she was in that position. I wasn't sure if Jimbei and Franky had woken up yet, but I knew it was time to disrupt the dog pile. A low grumble could be heard from Luffy's stomach, not to mention my own.

    I grasped Robin's hand and gave it a shake, simultaneously stretching up to kiss Luffy on the cheek. I sat up a little, Nami still clinging tightly to me and took a look at him. The softness in his face made my heart do a little flip. He looked so serene, it was almost a shame to wake him up.

      Robin began to stir and I gave her a knowing look, making her blush

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      Robin began to stir and I gave her a knowing look, making her blush. My turn to call you out, Robin. I pulled my hand away from hers and shook Zoro's arm, making her pull away from him quickly. He grumbled and opened his eye before letting out a big yawn, smoothly letting go of my arm so he could cover his mouth.

    I then took my free hand and grasped at Nami's hands, gently pulling them apart to release me. I heard her yawn and snuggle deeper into my back. Not exactly what I was going for, but ok.

    I returned my energy to Luffy, giving him a soft kiss on the lips before gently stroking his face. Come on, Luffy. You have to at least let me go. His grip only tightened, however, making Zoro and Robin laugh. I grumbled, reaching up to poke Sanji, who promptly woke up, like the gem that he is.

   "Hey Sanji, do you mind whipping up some breakfast for us?" I asked, my voice dripping with honey. Sanji stood straight up.

   "Roger that, Misaki chaaaaaan!" He sang, fluttering into the kitchen.

   I tried waking up Luffy again before nudging Usopp. It was definitely time to get the day started. One by one, the crew got up, until it was just me, Nami and Luffy. I was plastered between the two — both holding me tightly, refusing to release me. As much as I was enjoying it, however, I really did want to get up. I tried prying Nami off of me again. I even tried mumbling about money to get her to wake up. Finally, after what seemed like ages, she finally stretched and yawned, releasing me from her grasp.

"Hey, Misaki. How'd you sleep last night?" She asked, rubbing her eyes and rolling onto her back. I grinned, turning to look at her.

"Better than I have in ages." I said, making her look at me.

"Come to think of it..." she said, trailing off. She was probably uncomfortable with bringing it up. Regardless, I nodded.

"Straight through the night. No disruptions."

Nami smiled as wide as she could and threw her arms around me. "I'm so glad!"

"You and me both!" I said, snickering.

"Well, I better get to it. I think we should be coming up on another island soon."

"Oh yeah? Any info on it?"

"Not really. Luffy is gonna be excited. He'll get to explore some uncharted island. Or, well... barely charted. We know it's there - just don't know what exactly is there."

"Oh, that's his favorite." I chuckled. Just then, Luffy mumbled and his grip tightened around my shoulder. Nami raised her eyebrows.

"Need any help there, or...?"

"When Sanji brings out some food, he'll jump up like he wasn't even sleeping." I laughed. "Probably better to be patient."

"That's fair." She said, laughing. "Though I think you're just happy to get snuggled."

   "That's a fair assessment!" I said, smiling. As I said it, Luffy rolled over and pulled me into a hug, burying his face into my neck as his hat fell off his head. I blushed as Nami laughed at me.

"You two are hopeless." She said, shaking her head and crouching, her arms around her knees. "You know, I never once expected him to be into a girl, let alone fall in love."

"I'm just as surprised as you are." I said, blushing harder as he muttered my name happily.

"Zoro said something funny, actually."

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I said, frowning.

"He said if you two hadn't kissed, Luffy may not have taken the next step with you."

   "Huh." I said, thinking back. "He might have a good point. After all, I don't think he even thought about kissing at all until I told him about me and Zoro."


   "Come to think of it, we mostly just hung out and got into high-jinx together. I don't even think he thought he liked me."

   "Well we all knew he did!"

  "Yeah, but I think he was fine just being my friend, you know? Until he realized he didn't want me kissing other people."

   "You know what? He did say something about that after the first time you guys kissed."

   "Well, it doesn't matter anymore. The past is the past." I said, squeezing Luffy a little and smiling.

   "Haha, very true. Guess it's not something you really have to worry about anymore."


   Just then, the door to the kitchen swung open, releasing a wonderful aroma. Luffy's head popped up like a jack in the box, a little bit of drool on his chin.

  "Is that meat?"' He muttered, sniffing the air. I laughed, letting him go.

   "That's right! So wake up already!"

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