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    Luffy didn't know why everybody was making such a fuss. He sat in the infirmary with his arms crossed. Chopper had kept asking him to answer questions. He asked a lot about M', and looked more disappointed the more Luffy answered him. He didn't get it. Nobody knew that much about her. How was he supposed to know where she came from? Or what her favorite color was... or anything about her for that matter? Chopper told him to stay, but he really didn't feel like it. He could hear a commotion outside, peaking his interest. He pressed his ear to the door, hoping to ease drop, but it was too muffled to understand.

   Luffy puffed out his cheeks. I'm the captain, damn it. Why the Hell am I not in the loop? He burst out of the infirmary and onto the deck, just in time to see Zoro slip into the aquarium. Sanji looked up. He looked mad. Luffy scanned the rest of the crew, taking note that Franky, Robin, and Chopper were crying. He didn't see Nami or Zoro or M', but he could hear M' sobbing through the door. Something in his chest tightened at the sound, though he wasn't sure why. He started walking toward the aquarium when he got nailed on top of the head by Sanji's foot.

"How could you forget her like that?!" Sanji growled, making everybody jump.

"Forget who?" Luffy said, picking himself up off the ground.

"Sanji, stop! He doesn't know!"

"You forgot all about Misaki, huh?! Well I'll knock those memories back into you!" Sanji said, striding back up to Luffy. Franky and Usopp grabbed him, trying to hold him back. "She is crying in there because of you."

"Cause of me?" Luffy said, furrowing his brow and looking at the door to the aquarium. Something in his gut flipped, making him wince. He wished he knew why. "Well if I made her cry, I'm gonna make her feel better!" He said, walking toward the door.

"No!!!" The crew cried out at once, dog piling onto Luffy. They grabbed his skin, making him stretch as he tried to keep walking.

"Knock it off! I'll go make it better!" He said, struggling against them.

"Leave her alone, Luffy! She needs a minute!" Sanji growled, making Luffy walk harder.

   "Look, I don't want to ever be the reason M' cries again!" Luffy said, turning around to face them. They all let go at once, making him reel back. Luffy sat up, rubbing his head before his eyes snapped a little wider. "Why did I say that?" He muttered.

    He closed his eyes and thought for a long moment, wondering if he had ever made her cry before. Everybody was so quiet, watching him intently as he thought. For just a moment, her eyes, shimmering in lights as tears spilled over flashed just in his mind. He frowned at the image, banishing it back to the depths of his mind. He didn't really remember, but he definitely knew he didn't want to make her cry. He stood up and made his way to the door again, pausing for a moment. The loud wailing had turned into a soft sob, barely audible. He gulped, grabbing the doorknob before looking back to his crew mates. Sanji shook his head. The others looked like they were at a loss for what the answer was. He took a breath and opened the door.

   Sitting on the floor in front of the main fixture of the aquarium was Zoro, Nami, and her. She was slumped in Zoro's arms, and Nami was running her hand through her hair as she cried.

  "Hey." Luffy said, quieter than he meant to.

"Go... away..." She said, her voice wavering.

Luffy could tell she didn't mean it. He wasn't sure how he knew. But he knew. Zoro flinched as Luffy approached, half expecting him to get mad for holding Misaki. But, much to his surprise, he just silently sat down next to them, nervously looking at her. His eyes flitted up to Zoro, his eyes pleading with him — wanting to know how to make it better.

"Luffy, leave me alone." She said. Luffy stared back at her, unflinching.

Zoro shifted, still looking at Luffy and then, he knew. Luffy reached out as Zoro passed her over, taking her into his arms. She clutched at his shirt, a sob escaping her throat as he sat her in his lap and he wrapped his arms around her. He put his chin on her head, something lurching in his chest.

"Luffy." She whispered desperately. He wished he knew what to say. He had no idea what to say. He reached deep down. He opened his mouth, hoping something would come out. Say something.

"I.... I'm here." He said, sighing. He felt like that wasn't good enough. He rocked side to side, wishing he could say more. But he didn't know her. He didn't really know what to say to her.


I'm here. We sat there for a while, me clutching his jacket, him rocking side to side with his chin on my head. My heart hurt so bad, but those words were enough to silence my sobs. I still was crying, but now it was silent. Nothing but the sound of everybody breathing in the room. I felt my eyes getting heavy as he rocked me. I felt so stupid. He didn't even know who I was, yet here he was, doing his best to comfort me. And the shitty part was that it was working. Despite all the pain I felt, I also felt safe and sound in his arms. I'm here he said. I believed him. He probably didn't even know what that meant to me, but I believed him just the same.

I couldn't keep my head up, slumping heavier into Luffy's chest as I listened to the soft sounds within the room. The water flowing, the slow, methodical breathing, and the resounding sound of a heart beating a little too hard, and a little too fast. All the while, Luffy just kept rocking side to side. Over and over. The firm but gentle grip he had on me was enough in itself to lull me to sleep. But put it all together, and I was helpless. I fought the exhaustion as my eyelids got even heavier, before I finally fell asleep in his arms.


Luffy sighed. He leaned back to peak at her. Her face was still wet and tinged red from all the crying, but it was also relaxed as she slept. A soft, quiet snore could be heard escaping her, making his heart skip a beat. He wasn't sure why it did that, but all he really cared about was that she wasn't crying anymore. He looked at Zoro again, wondering what to do next.

"Let's let her rest. We should take her to bed."

Luffy nodded and stood up, wondering why he felt so weak at the knees. He followed Zoro to the girl's room, with M' nestled against his chest. Zoro pulled the covers down on the bed that was hers and Luffy placed her in it. Hair fell in her face and Luffy resisted the urge to brush it away. Zoro looked at him expectedly, his eyebrows raised, before leaning down and gently brushing the hair out of her face himself. He looked so at ease with her — so much so that something twinged in Luffy's chest, making him wince. Pulling up the blanket, Zoro huffed, nodding his head and gesturing for Luffy to follow him back out of the room.

Luffy hesitated for a moment, looking at the relaxed look on her face. He had only just met this girl.... So then... why was he so drawn to her? Eh, it's probably nothing. He scoffed at himself and shook his head, following Zoro out and shutting the door.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now