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   I was so warm. So warm. My mouth felt dry still and my arm still hurt, but at least I wasn't shivering anymore. I shifted a little, the cape that was draped over me laying heavily on my back. I hummed happily as I snuggled down into the warmth. It was like I was laying on a heating pad. So nice.

   I heard a sigh and felt something shift underneath me as a hand came to rest on my back. My eyes snapped open as I looked at my hands, which were placed firmly against a large bare chest. My eyes drew up his neck and settled on Kid's relaxed expression.

   "Eh! Shit!" I yelled, shoving myself off of him. I rolled off into the sand, the cape flying off to the side as I sat up and looked at the man. Kid sat up, looking confused as he absentmindedly reached his hand toward me before freezing.

  "Hey! You're awake!" He muttered.

  "Kid, what the Hell?!" I snapped.

   He let his hand drop and stared at me blankly. A wry grin broke out across his face.

   "You were cold." He said, plainly.

   "Well I'm warm now!" I yelled.

    "I can see that." He kept grinning at me and I sat up, putting my hands in my lap.


   "I'm just glad you're warm." Kid said, making me bow my head respectfully.

   "Thank you." I said. "You have no idea how grateful I am."

   "Do you know what happened?"

   "I just know I felt like I was dying. Now I don't. I know it's because of you." I said, refusing to look at him.

    The long drawn out silence was enough for me to piece things together. I knew I could have died. I knew I was dying. If it weren't for you, I would probably be dead right now. I kept my head bowed, waiting for him to accept my thanks.

   "Pick your head up, 'Saki."

    I refused.

   "Seriously. We're friends, right?! It's fine!" Kid said, making me hunker down harder.

  "Still! Thank you!" I said.

   "Stop doing that! Don't ever bow your head to me, Misaki!" He said. "You are not beneath me!"

   "I have no other way to show you! To show you how happy I am!" I blurted, keeping my head bowed.

   "Just smile!" He said, making me look up. He looked a little startled by himself. He faced me, putting his hands on his knees as he sat. Ironically, he was doing anything but smiling — scowling at me angrily.

  "You... you're so weird!" I smiled. "Why do you look so mad, you brute?!" I couldn't help but laugh at him. He just looked so serious.

    "Hey! I said to smile, not laugh and mock me!" He sneered. Tears began falling from my face, making him stop. "H-hey! Don't cry!"


    "I'm just so happy you were here." She said, her eyes shimmering as tears welled up and rolled over her cheeks. "Never thought I would say that!"

   He smiled before registering what she said. "Oi! What are you trying to say?!"

   "I just... admittedly. I thought..." she started, still giggling as she wiped the tears from her face.

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