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"Misakiii! I wanna go baaaaack!" Luffy whined.

"Not a chance! Time to go home and go to bed." I said firmly.

"AWWWWEEEE" Both of them whined as I shoved them into the truck. "You're no fuuuuun!"

"That's fine, call me no fun."

"You're no fuuuun!" They both said, sticking their tongues out at me.

The drive home was nothing short of hilarious. From Luffy sticking his head out of the window like a dog and his face unintentionally stretching to my mom hooting and hollering and pinching and pulling on Luffy's skin to see what it would do. I laughed really hard when I heard Luffy finally snap.

"I'm rubber! No matter what you do, I will stretch!!! So stop testing it out!!!"

  My mom laughed, waving her hand at him.

  "By the way, whatever happened to the door handle? I have been meaning to ask." My mom slurred.

   I burst out laughing as Luffy made an annoyed face. "Go ahead, Luffy, tell her!"

   "I won't."

   "I turned the child lock on him and he didn't know! The stinker broke the handle trying to escape!"

   We both roared with laughter at him, making him blush. Poor Luffy had to endure our mocking for the entire drive home.

When we got back, Luffy hopped out of the truck, going yahooooo as I pulled my mom out of the truck.

"Lu! Where are you going?!"

"To see Appa!" He yelled. Oh geez.

I wrestled my mom into the house and ran back out to Appa's field. And there he was, laying on top of my horse, hugging around his neck. Appa looked at me like he was unsure what to do. He wasn't bothered by Luffy by any means. Just at a loss for how to react. Luffy giggled and rubbed his cheek against appa.

"What a good horsey. I wish we could bring him with us. He is soooo good."

"I don't think he would enjoy a life at sea, Lu."

"Cabbage has a horse!"

"Yeah, but that horse has lived in that world it's whole life, Lu. Wouldn't be fair to bring Appa."

"I knowww, he is just such a good horsey. And he loves you so much."

My heart hurt a little at those words. Leaving Appa would be almost as hard as leaving my family. Maybe harder. He had been in my life for so long. Truly, my longest standing friend.

"Let's go, Lu."

"Appa wants us to stay."

"Tell appa we can come camp out here when you aren't drunk."

Luffy ignored me, rubbing appa on the neck happily. Appa walked over to me and Luffy fell off, too drunk to balance. I laughed and gave him a scrub on the head.

"Come on, Lu." I said, dragging him toward the house. When we got up the stairs, he stopped to stuff a couple rolls in his mouth and almost choked, turning on the sink to chug some water. This is the man my heart decided to soar for.

Once we got into my room, he turned around and started kissing me, grabbing my hips and putting me up against the door.

"Mm! Luffy!" I whispered against him. His lips were sloppy and his movement a little too erratic. But the suddenness of his advances made my stomach do a flip.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now