Day 7: A little longer

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Not much happened for the rest of that day. It was tense. None of us wanted to make a move. It felt like someone was still watching the house, so we waited. We waited with bated breath. We waited until the day was spent. Even Luffy. None of us knew what we could and couldn't do. I was worried about being followed, and worried about the truth coming out.

If my reality caught wind of a way to hop to different, more powerful dimensions, who knew what havoc it could wreak? And what about sitting on such information? What repercussions could I or my mother face? What about the rest of my family? I couldn't bare what kind of danger simply sitting on information could bring to my family.

Dinner was like a funeral service was being held. I was all choked up. I'm sure Luffy didn't know what to say either. I didn't think I had ever seen him that quiet.

"Tomorrow... I'm going to go close out my bank account." I stated. "It might ring alarm bells, but its better than me just disappearing again in a few days. It would look better if we just cut ties and ran. That way..." I swallowed. "That way... they won't have a reason to go after you guys."

"They will eventually just be chasing a ghost."

"That's right."

"I just wish... I wish we could have just a little longer. You're father is going to be working all night tonight so you can't even...."

"I probably won't get to say goodbye. It's better that I don't. For all anyone knows, I ran away with a guy named Lou."

We all kind of slumped in our chairs. It left a foul taste in our mouths. Even Luffy pushed his plate away a little before changing his mind and snagging the last bite. This sucks.

"Maybe we could... finally play twister?" My mom muttered, a pout forming at her bottom lip.

Luffy and I smiled at her. I got up and drew all the curtains. I peered around, double checking for any bugs that might ease-drop on us as my mom squealed and jumped up to grab the game. Luffy peered over her shoulder as she set it up. The game was simple. Spin the wheel. Which limb to which color. Easy.

As we played, my mom would try to stop the arrow on the harder to reach spots for Luffy, hoping to see how he would stretch around to make it work. In the end, Luffy wasn't quite as nimble as she had hoped and he eventually collapsed on top of us, laughing all the while. It was so fun. We played a couple more times, but never could determine a winner considering we would all fall at the same time every time.

We didn't bother drinking. Seeing as it would most likely be the last time we all ever got to spend time together, we wanted to make it count. That meant being sober.

We chatted and played a couple more games. My mom even managed to find our old bop it game deep in the game closet. We laughed and played until exhaustion finally got the better of us . Our eyes started to flutter and I felt Luffy lean into me. Then Momma. Then, we just kind of collapsed into each other, falling asleep.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now