Day 2

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It was time to get going again. We grabbed some muffins from the front desk and headed to the truck. By the time we got to the truck, Luffy had finished off every muffin he had grabbed.

"Ohhh man, I'm still starving." He said, grasping his stomach.

"Maybe if you hadn't jumped me this morning, you wouldn't be so hungry." I said, handing him another muffin.

"Really? I can have another one? You really do love me!" Luffy ravenously downed the muffin, making me laugh.

"You can't really eat like that here! It gets too expensive after a while."

"So then we should just catch stuff."

"You gotta have a permit for that here."

"A permit?! Are you saying you don't just do what you want here?" He said, licking his fingers.

"Not following the rules here is a little more complicated. People can't deflect bullets here." I said, rolling my eyes. Not that we would get shot for hunting an animal out of season or without a permit, but still.

"Hm. Seems bogus to me."

"Some animals are too rare to hunt too so they have rules to protect them." I said as I set Appa back up for the rest of the trip.

"Hmm." He hummed. I didn't know if he was considering what I had said, or if he was off in his own world, but it didn't really matter. It's not like we were going to be here forever.

As I got into the truck, something caught Luffy's eye and he started running off. You have got to be kidding me.

"Lu!!! We have to go!"

"Just a minute!" He yelled back, waving at me. Damn it. I got out and started running after him. He ran his way over to a Waffle House, sniffing the air like a hound and looked over his shoulder at me. "Pleeeeeaaaase, M'??"

Before I could answer, he was already walking in. A nice waitress came over and he gestured the number 2 with his fingers. "Sit anywhere you'd like!"

Luffy grabbed my hand and sat us at a booth, much to my dismay. Waffle houses were greasy and unclean. The food was subpar, but there was always a lot of it and the people who waited there were decent so long as you were decent, but still could be a little rough around the edges. But it's a southern thing and, at some point, you just gotta experience it. At least I could get a decent amount of food here for him. And it brought back some decent childhood memories of overeating giant stacks of chocolate chip waffles with a glass of not so cold milk to wash it all down. Good times.

"I'll have one of everything please!" Luffy said. I smacked him in the back of his head.

"Please excuse him, he was joking."

"I wasn't—"

"— We will just get two All Star Specials, eggs over easy, please. With some extra sausage on the side." I said, cutting him off.

"Will do!"

"Misakiii! I wanted one of everything!"

"I can't afford all that dummy!" I said in a hushed tone. "Anyways, I already filled up on muffins so I got both platters for you! I just want some bacon."

   "Man, Misaki. You're the best!"

Luffy tapped the table excitedly as he waited for food. I tried nudging him to get him to stop, but he wasn't always the quickest with social cues. He drummed away happily as a couple people started to stare. When the food finally came out, he threw caution to the wind and started devouring the food. I munched on a couple pieces of bacon before leaning toward him.

"Psst, Luffy, cool it a little, ok?" I whispered.

"Yeah, sure, I'm cool." He said, not changing a single thing he was doing.

"Luffy, relax! It's not going anywhere." I muttered. A guy started walking our way. Luffy kept munching while staring blankly ahead.

"Hey there, I couldn't help but notice you aren't eating, little missy." The guy said.

"Yeah, I already filled up on a muffin earlier."

"I hope you don't intend to pay for all this." He said. He must have heard me order.

"What's it to ya?" Luffy murmured, still munching.

"It's really none of your business." I agreed.

"What makes this guy so special." He said, gesturing to Luffy chipmunking some pancake in his mouth. I couldn't help but smirk at Luffy before looking back at the dude. Man, this guy is annoying.

I leaned forward, placing my chin on my hand and batted my eyes. "Oh, I don't know. He only housed and fed me on his dime for 4 months. I figured the least I could do was buy him breakfast. You got a problem with that?"

The guy huffed and took his leave. I rolled my eyes and made a face, making Luffy laugh. The guy stopped in his tracks and turned around. Oops.

"You laughin at me?" He said, striding back up towards Luffy. Luffy simply ignored him and kept eating. The guy wasn't even on his radar when it came to threats.

"He laughed at me, sir. I made a face." I interjected.

"You better mind your manners, little missy." He said, his voice laced with hostility. Men like this were so off-putting to me. I couldn't help but push their buttons.

"I'm sorry you like swingin that little thing around. Must be exhausting, trying to convince people it's big." I said, crunching on another piece of bacon. Luffy kept eating, looking between us.

"The HELL did you just say to me?" He said, smacking his hands down on the table. I looked at him, unflinching.

"You heard me. Your ego is about as big as your need to compensate for that small dick of yours." Luffy choked for a second on his food. I guess I could still surprise him. The guy was seething, grinding his teeth as he looked on at my smug little grin.

"Now listen here, you rude little—"

Just then, Luffy put his hand up, cutting him off. "Excuse me, can I get some more waffles?! I like 'em!"

I laughed and waved down the waitress, making the guy walk away in a huff. Luffy finished up his last bite of food before leaning toward me. "I thought you didn't want to create trouble."

"Sorry, I couldn't help it." I giggled. That probably could have turned out way worse than it did, but the guy had no business butting into our meal anyways.

    After I paid our bill, we hopped into the truck and continued our journey.

    We sat in silence for a while, mostly because Luffy ate too much and was comatose in the seat next to me. He was snoring pretty loud and even drooling a little. I turned on a rock station to try and pass the time, making sure it was low enough not to bother him.

This was quite the adjustment. I had spent the last 6 months being angry at the universe. Snarky comments, sniping at people, and honestly being an asshole. Not really like me at all. But now, I was happy again. I knew I was going to get to go home and, even though it was stressful, having Luffy with me made me feel a little better about my last few days here. But that didn't mean there wasn't a hard adjustment period.

It's not like I was instantly going to go back to being me, and I was a little worried that my mouth was going to get us in worse trouble than even Luffy. Especially after my little stunt at breakfast. Messing with that guy was fun, but I definitely could have handled it better. I was glad that Luffy stayed out of it. Maybe he had more sense than I thought? Or maybe he simply didn't feel threatened and felt I could handle it myself. Who knows? I certainly have no idea what's going on in his head half the time.

I chuckled to myself, wondering if he was even thinking at all in that moment, or if the food had crowded every inner dialogue he might have had.

"Whatcha laughing about?" Luffy said.

"Nothing." I said as I smiled at him. He returned a giant grin at me.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now