Day 5: Sunset

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I grumbled a little bit and rolled over. I could feel my scarf brush against my cheek as well as something else. A chill ran up my bare skin as the breeze brushed against me. Wait, the wind? I shot up. Damn it.

The sky was painted a beautiful red and orange, with even a little purple under shading the clouds. It was a good thing we were both already tan, or else we would have burned out in the sun all day. But, regardless, the sun was setting and we had slept the day away.

"Luffy?" I said, turning over and lightly nudging him.

"Mmm, I would love another burger." He muttered, drooling a little as he snored.

"Are you dreaming about my mom's J burgers?" I giggled, nudging him a little harder. Luffy turned his head away from me, muttering about the 'yummy burgers'.

"So good!" He muttered.

"Lu!" I laughed, nudging him again.

"Make me a giant one!" He said, licking his lips.

"Get your ass up!" I laughed harder, shaking him now. "So we can get some real burgers!"

Luffy stopped snoring. His eyes barely squinted open and he looked around.

"Did you say we could get some real burgers?" He mumbled. Then, his eyes shot open and he jolted up, accidentally bashing me in the head and making me fall backwards. "Oh shit! Sorry, M'! Is it really already sunset?!" He yelled.

"Owwww" I moaned, rubbing my head. I knew he didn't mean to do that, but for a rubber man, he certainly had a hard head. "Son of a bitch, Lu! That hurt!"

"Sorry, sorry!" He smiled, scratching the back of his head. You better be glad you're cute!

"And yes," I said, sitting up, "it's sunset. Probably time to get dinner if you want."

Luffy's smile got wider. "You know what I want." He said smugly.

"We don't have the stuff to make more J burgers. Do you wanna just go get burgers at the bar? It's closer and faster!"

"That'll work!" Luffy said, standing up and offering me a hand. I took it and he pulled me up, I stumbled forward into his chest and felt my face get hot. His arms wrapped around my waist and he chuckled. "You're funny, you know that?"

"I- uhh" I averted my eyes. Why am I so nervous all of a sudden? I could tell Luffy was looking around, but I was so enthralled in my own stupid body being so reactive to him that I wasn't really paying attention.

Next thing I knew, he was pulling me over to a park bench. He sat down and pulled me into his lap. I looked at him wildly and he snickered. His smile was mischievous and absolutely perfect.


"W-what are you doing?!" Misaki asked, her voice wavering a little.

"Relaaaax, nobody's here." Luffy snickered, his hands placing her just right over his lap, so that she was straddling him.

He ran his hand down her hair and pulled it to one side, nuzzling under her scarf to graze at her neck. Her hands were stiff and nervous, placed firmly against his chest as if she was holding him back. But she wasn't. Some part of her must have wanted this as much as he did, or else she would have already stopped him.

He gently bit at her neck before kissing up her jawline. His hands firmly ran down from her hips to her thighs, then slid back up underneath her dress. He grabbed her butt and pulled her up against him, making himself shiver.

As he moved his lips up toward hers, she finally embraced it, and grabbed his face, kissing him excitedly. God, he loved when she would take that sharp breath in right as she kissed him. Her body arched up against him as they kissed, making his heart lurch. He kept squeezing her butt as she began to grind against him herself. The way she was undulating her body was driving him mad.

She ran her hands down his neck and grabbed his shoulders before moving them back up to his hair. She could never figure out where those hands should go, but he liked that. He took this moment to run his hands a little higher up her dress and squeeze her waist before running his hands back down.

She broke from the kiss for a moment and ran her hands down his chest, down his torso, and then unbuckled his pants. He could feel his heart start to race and took the moment to glance around again and make sure they were truly alone. Then, he ran his hands back down inbetween them, pulling her panties over just right. Last time he tried that, he ended up tearing her underwear, but this time, he managed to do it right.

He guided himself into her and a soft moan escaped her lips. It drove him wild when she made that sound, and it made him grab her a little harder than usual, making her gasp. He smiled at her before kissing her again. She started moving her hips again, and he grabbed her butt underneath her dress, pulling her harder onto him and further off of him. He continued to do that for a while as they shuddered against each other.

Something about doing this out in the open was so incredibly exciting to him. He thought it was exciting when Nami almost barged in on them that one time. But this? This was pure ecstasy. Something about her dress, the way she was looking at him... he couldn't help it. Every part of him wanted her in that moment. And... fuck it felt good.

He could feel her starting to shudder and... shit. He just needed to remember one thing. That's all he had to do... Fuck. He could feel his muscles start to tense and contract. She moved into him faster, harder, making it really hard for him to keep his thoughts straight.

    Misaki crushed her lips against his, whining as she did, her whole body reacting violently as she orgasmed. Fuck, I love her. Luffy bit her lip and grabbed her hips, letting her squirm and move against him as he pulled her deeper. Misaki grabbed his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin as she rasped out more whines, trying to be quiet. Luffy held his breath, his face getting hotter as he waited for the moment she would settle before pulling her off of him and... damn.... A blast of pleasure ripped through his entire body, from his head, all the way to his toes. Waves of pleasure ran between his legs. Fuck, that was close...

    Luffy and Misaki gasped for a minute. Misaki left a hand on his chest as she sat on her knees, still facing in the same direction despite no longer being in his lap. Luffy tucked himself back in and leaned back on the bench.

   "I can't believe we just did that." She panted.

   "Mmmm" Luffy hummed, his eyes closed.

   "That was crazy." She muttered.

   "That was awesome." He corrected.

   "You're crazy." She added.

   "Mhmm, but you did it too." He mumbled back, grinning as he glanced at her. She had turned to face him and sat on her butt, biting her lip at his words. God, she was so pretty.

   "Shit. That means I'm crazy too, huh?"



    "And hopefully hungry." He added.

    "Haha, yes. Definitely hungry." She said, grabbing her purse. "At least nobody stole from us while we were sleeping."

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