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   I felt my eyebrows furrow. I could have sworn I was on the deck when I fell asleep, but I felt the  warmth of a blanket enveloping me. I peaked out from the covers, finding myself in my room. I went to sit up, but the weight of the blanket was too great. I just wanted to sleep.

   "Sorry, Misaki. You're not allowed to sleep." My eyes widened. "Not until you talk."

   Suddenly, the blanket tightened around me, squeezing me like a python. I felt my chest tighten as my throat filled with water, choking me. I wanted to call out, but nobody was there. I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing what was coming next.



A tiny little hoof smacked softly onto my cheek as Chopper rolled around in my arms. An arm tightened around my shoulder, and the rest of my face felt warm from the crook of Luffy's neck. I could feel my throat clear and took a deep breath. Two smaller hands hugged me tightly as Nami mumbled softly in her sleep. I could feel Usopp and Sanji on either side of my head, their own heads pressed against mine as they snored softly. I felt my hand reach over Luffy and clutch Zoro's shirt, the tightness in my chest relaxing as he slipped a hand protectively onto my forearm. The blanket loosened as I heard a soft yohohoho through my dream as Brook slept by our feet. The sound of Jimbei and Franky snoring as they laid protectively at the edge of our group made my face soften.

My nightmare was no more, now replaced with the most peaceful and incredibly lovely dream. Only that dream was also my reality. I hummed as I felt the warm lips of Luffy press against my head. I'm not there anymore. I'm here. We are here. We are....

We are...

Sunlight burned through my eyelids, making me crinkle my face. My eyes fluttered open to see my dream truly was my reality. We were all still intertwined in our dog pile. Everybody was sleeping soundly — many a snores ringing out into the sea. I yawned — not from exhaustion, but from comfort.

A light tiredness still pulled at my eyelids, making them heavy. The mental and physical exhaustion, however, was gone. The fear and pain that I had been grappling with for all this time had all but vanished. Instead, the sleepiness just came from the warm tingly feeling that the crew was giving me. I was so incredibly content.

I finally knew what the cure was to my horrible nightmares. I slept through the entire night, embracing my feelings for the people of the Thousand Sunny. I was so afraid of burdening them with my nightmares, I hadn't realized just how much I had actually shut them out. But now, with their warm and loving embrace, I was able to disrupt and disperse my nightmare. Finally.

   I was finally free. Free from the fear. Free from the pain. Free from the turmoil. I finally knew, for sure now, that this was what was real. My family. The Sunny. The world of One Piece. I wasn't still on that table, enduring horrible torture for the sake of a world that was already beginning to rot. I wasn't choking on water anymore — suffocated by the man who represented all that was corrupt and evil in that reality. My head no longer hurt. I was home, both in body and in mind. Finally.

    My eyes closed again as I gave in to the comfort — to the cure. I took a deep breath, falling blissfully back asleep. Thank you everybody. Thank you for just being you.

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