Day 6: Split

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I scrunched my face as the sunlight crept in through the curtains. I could tell Luffy was awake, but I certainly didn't want to be awake yet. His soft breathing was like a lullaby, making me feel groggy as his chest lifted and fell. Like, any moment, I would fall back asleep. It was as if I was resting on the Sunny. The sun in my face, the gentle rise and fall of the waves, and everything was peaceful and right with the world.

"Misakiiiii. You up yet?" And then comes the storm.

I snuggled into his chest deeper. He chuckled and called out my name again. I responded with a whine, making it clear that I was not yet ready to get up yet. I was enjoying my imagination, relaxing on the Sunny with everybody. But Luffy wouldn't let it go, gently shaking my shoulder to try and keep me awake.

"Luffyyy please. I'm trying to sleep."

"But I'm trying to eat!" Luffy retorted.

"You're always trying to eat!"

"Don't act like you don't love it!"

"Right now, I don't!"

"Why's that?"

"Cause we don't have Sanji to cook for us!"


"So that means I have to do it! And I wanna sleep!"

"I can whip something up!"

"The Hell you can!"

"What? You said you didn't want to." Luffy whined. "I'm trying to level with you here!"

"Luffy!" I sat up, looking him dead in the eye. "Do you really think the crew hasn't told me the horrors of you trying to cook?!"

Luffy grimaced, probably thinking back to when he tried to make curry and blew up the kitchen in the process.

"Exactly." I said, laying back on his chest for a moment. That moment really didn't last long though, as Luffy started tapping his fingers wildly against my arm. He was like a strung out junky, looking for his next fix. I sighed. "Ok... breakfast it is then."

Suddenly, my head hit the bed. Luffy was no longer underneath me, jumping for joy as he threw on his pants and left to go to the kitchen. I couldn't help but laugh. He may have looked pretty normal, but he was still the hyperactive knucklehead I knew and loved.

I got up and threw on a large sweater and some shorts. I thought about the most I had for fillers that would help Luffy get that full feeling without going over the top. Grits, eggs, pancakes and bacon is what I settled on. Grits done up right took a good 20 minutes to make, but by God, they were worth the wait. Buttery and delicious, and if you crisped up some bacon to crumble over the top of it, it was like heaven itself made a dish. Cheese also was a good addition, but I preferred good ole bacon. I made sure to make a bunch so that my parents would hopefully get some -- so long as Luffy didn't eat it all.

"Mmm, I missed your grits, M'!" I jumped a little at my mom's words.

"Damn, mom. You gotta stop sneaking up on people. I almost knocked over a pan."

"Sorry, sorry. I hope you're making enough grits for all of us."

"You betcha! Though make sure you grab a dish before Luffy gets ahold of it."

"Oh I figured that out pretty quick about your man." She chuckled.

"I can hear you guys, you know." Luffy said, stretching his head from the dining room to the kitchen. I could hear mom's voice catch for a second before she laughed.

"I didn't know you could stretch like that too!"

"Sure can!" He responded. "I can do a lot of things."

My mom raised her eyebrows and snickered. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly where her mind was going in that moment. "So, all of you can stretch, huh?" She teased. Yep. Right in the gutter.

"Yeah, why?" Luffy said, snapping his head back into place. Oh my God, the innocence. For someone who had some of the best talents in bed I had ever experienced, he sure was dense when it came to anything that could be construed as dirty.

"No reason." She snickered, elbowing me in the ribs.

"Momma, stop, he doesn't get it." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come ooooon, that would be so exciting! Can you imagi--"

"Um! I would die!!!" I snapped.

"Oh, so it's already that impressive, huh?" My mom teased back.

Oh my God, mom, please stop. I could feel my face getting red and looked back at her, my lips pursed and my eyes wild, trying to convey that she needed to stop.

"Whatcha' guys talkin' 'bout?" Luffy said, appearing behind us. Curiosity was getting the better of him, and I was not ready for him.

"Oh nothing, just getting some intel." My mom said, smirking. She then looked at Luffy and put her hand on his shoulder. "You're with me today, by the way."

"What?!" Luffy and I both exclaimed in tandem.

"Oh yeah, I've got some hard farm work I gotta get done today, and I think a strong guy like yourself would have no problems helping me." She said, smugly.

"Aweee, stoooop." He said, blushing and scratching his head at being called strong. "But can't I just beat someone up for you?" Luffy said, eliciting a slap in the back of the head.


"Well. I tried. Is Misaki gonna come with us?"

"We'll meet up for lunch with her later."


    "No, that's ok, actually. I had some things I needed to do." I said. I still couldn't find a damn present for Luffy. Everybody else was easy in comparison. And I stupidly told him I was present shopping, so now I had to commit to it.

    Just then, my dad came up the stairs, practically floating as he sniffed the air happily. We all sat down for breakfast, everybody eating a little quicker than normal, knowing there was a shark in the room, ready to nab anything at any moment. Even my dad ate faster after witnessing Luffy's attempt at theft during our family dinner the other day. Luffy was in love with the grits and bacon, but probably mostly because of the bacon. But it did the trick -- making him feel satisfied a lot quicker. Which, in turn, allowed the rest of us to have a decent meal.

    After breakfast was over, my mother dragged Luffy out with us, splitting us up for the morning.

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