Night Duty

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After dinner, Luffy and the rest of the crew lugged off to bed. That is, except for Zoro and me. It was Zoro's turn to be lookout for the night and I kind of needed to talk to him about what almost happened.... Again. I waited for everybody else to nod off before crawling up to the crows nest. It was lightly raining so I knew that's where he would be.

When I got up there, he greeted me with a smile. He had been working out, beads of sweat were running down him, but he didn't smell bad. Not at all in fact. Pheromones sure are interesting, aren't they? This won't make it any easier to not be a hormonally charged individual.

"Well this is a nice surprise. You usually only stay up for the captain!" He said cheerily. It made what I was going to say feel like lead in my mouth.

"Well I uh, wanted to talk to you. Privately"

"Yeah, we got interrupted before. Pretty bad timing I might add." He huffed.


"Yeah?" His tone was serious. Like he already knew what I was going to say.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Well, I like L-"

"I already know that. Why are you saying it?"

"Well, because... we almost... uhm" I pursed my lips. Now I felt pretty stupid, coming up there and just stating the obvious.

Zoro stood up, letting out an exasperated sigh. His swords sat against the wall and he once again was not wearing a shirt. God, those muscles are dangerous.

"What are you trying to say? You trying to live out your fantasy on me or something?" He said with a wry grin. I knew he was trying to save face. He let it be known that he had feelings for me and now he was trying to make an out for both of us. Nothing but a fantasy playing out.

"I'm trying to be upfront with you, Zoro."

"Are you? Or did you come back here hoping I would try and kiss you again?"

"That's not it" I said coldly. This is not going well, at all. "I was trying to say that... I think I might... like you too..." I stammered out.

Zoro stood there for a second before shaking his head at me. "Not as much as you like him."

"How would you know?"

"Because this is easier"

"What gives you the ri-"

"Misaki, you do realize that you are so close to becoming off-limits, right?"

"The Hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that my captain, who I am a loyal crew member for, has feelings for you."

"Stop, no he - "

"And once he admits it to himself, that's it."

"What's it?"

"This." He gestured to me and him.

I stood there for a minute, absorbing what he just told me. I struggled to find the words.

"So it may as well end. Here and now."

"How do you just take feelings like that and-"

"You kill 'em" he said, striding up to me and grabbing me by the shoulders. "You kill them. And bury them. And NEVER dig them up."

Next thing I knew, his lips were crushed against mine. At first I stepped back, stunned at his action. He grasped my face in his hands, hungrily searching for a reaction. I grabbed his wrists and kissed him back, running my hands up his arms, feeling his muscles tense as he moved one hand to wrap his arm around my waist and pull me close. His mouth parted and he forced his tongue into my mouth, making me gasp. I reciprocated as his other hand slipped into my hair and pulled me in for an even deeper kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed me by my hips, shoving me against the wall and lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around him, letting out a soft moan as he squeezed my hips. I could feel him getting hard as he threw me around like a ragdoll. He squeezed my ass, continuing to kiss me fervently. I moaned again as he grinded up against me, mercilessly making me want more.

I didn't know how far this was going to go, but I knew what my body wanted, and I didn't know if I could close that chapter without going all the way. Regardless, the next thing I knew, I was ripping my own shirt off. Zoro immediately started sucking and licking at my torso and chest the moment I started pulling it off, making me moan and whine. He put a hand over my mouth to keep me quiet before continuing to kiss me all over, occasionally grazing his teeth against my skin, making me jump. He then came back up to my face to kiss me again, still wild and gruff. I didn't want this to stop. A fire stirred in the pit of my stomach and I wanted to have him. But as I still had the fire, Zoro started to lose his will. He kissed me more tenderly, and I could feel him starting to pull away. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. This was it.

In an alternate universe, we would have kept going. He would have pulled my skirt up and he would have entered me right up against the wall. He would have pinned me there and fucked me until someone came up to see what the ruckus was. In a universe where his captain didn't like the same girl. But this wasn't that universe.

Zoro put me down, and my knees buckled. He knelt down in front of me and pulled my hands away from my face. I didn't want him to see the tears. He hugged me into his chest, and I stifled a sob. He pulled me away from him and kissed me gently on the forehead before kissing me one more time on the lips. This kiss was so tender and soft and warm. Comforting. I would have been fine if that was our only kiss. But maybe then I wouldn't have been able to let go of this feeling. For as much as I enjoyed that kiss, it showed me that this draw that I had to Zoro was still nothing compared to what drew me to Luffy. And that somehow made it hurt more.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out as he pulled me back into a hug. "I'm so sorry."


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