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Luffy offered to carry Misaki up the ladder to the crow's nest, but to his surprise, she puffed out her chest valiantly.

    "It's ok! I can do it myself!" She said confidently. Luffy tilted his head.

"She has been practicing." Zoro chimed in.

"You WHAT?!" Chopper yelled, making Misaki flinch. "Misaki! You weren't supposed to push yourself like that yet!"

"It's ok, Chopper! I've done it a couple times now and I feel fine!" Misaki assured him. Chopper huffed and grumbled as he turned away from her. He was just glad she didn't try and do it before getting her stitches removed.

     "Before you go up there, give me your scarf so I can add the patch to it!" Nami said, putting out her hand. Misaki placed the scarf gently in her hands and mouthed a thank you.

     Luffy felt a hand on his shoulder and looked at Zoro. He was grinning and leaned in to whisper "good luck," making Luffy grin back.

     They made their way up to the crow's nest. Inside was still dark. Luffy reached down and helped Misaki up. She was huffing a little, but sure enough, she made it up there. The pride he felt as she stood there filled him to the brim.

    "So, what's up here that's so special?" Misaki puffed. Luffy grinned and flipped a switch, making the entire crow's nest flood with light. Little twinkling fairy lights hung from the ceiling and ran down the walls, making the entire room look magical. Tinsel and garland ran the walls and sparkled against the lights. In the corner was a quaint little futon, covered in red cushions, and a small Christmas tree, decked out in ornaments.

     Misaki's eyes widened as they glittered in the twinkling lights. She looked around in awe, making Luffy's heart swell as her excitement started bubbling over. She ran her hand down some of the garland and looked back at Luffy. Her eyes shimmered just like that night, taking his breath away.

    "Luffy." She breathed. "This is... amazing!"

     "I couldn't get a really big tree in here, but I still went a little overboard." He said sheepishly.

     "Don't you dare say that. It's perfect." She breathed, making his heart jump. This was it.

     Luffy gulped. He could feel his hands start to tremble. His heart rammed against his chest like never before. He even felt a little clammy. She looked so incredibly perfect, standing there, with her red hat and red jacket and those beautiful blue eyes glimmering in the lights.

      He opened his mouth to talk before snapping it shut again. His mouth felt dry, and he felt himself looking away for a moment to gather his composure. Misaki giggled and walked up to him, grabbing his face and pulling it down to kiss him on the cheek. His face tingled and his heart thumped harder.

    "Why are you being shy all of a sudden?" Misaki asked.

     "Ah, well, I uhm." Luffy gulped as he averted eye contact. He had to get it together. This wasn't going to be like their first night. He started to tremble harder with anxiety. This was so much harder than fighting.

      Luffy gathered himself and grabbed misaki's hands, looking her in her eyes. He took pause, stopping the trembling before opening his mouth again.

     "Misaki, do you remember our first kiss?"

     "Yes?" Misaki said, questioningly tilting her head. Luffy blushed hard, taking a short breath as her hair bounced with her. Please stop being so cute. This is hard enough.

     "Well, I wanted to kiss you before that."


      "When we were in the lights, by the fountain!" He blurted. Misaki's eyes softened. He gulped and continued. "But you looked so perfect, I lost my nerve."

"Luffy..." She murmured.

    "I wanted to recreate it." He said, brushing the hair out of her eyes. "I wanted to see your eyes shimmer in the lights again."

     Misaki's lips parted a little, her eyes flitting back and forth, searching for something in his eyes. Luffy's eyes softened, and he kissed her gently, his heart pounding so loud in his ears that he thought he might never hear anything else. He kissed her like he wished he could that night, long and sweet and filled with passion. When he pulled away, he looked in her eyes again.

    "Misaki." Luffy began, his voice wavering. He let his hands run back down to hers and grabbed them tight. A slight tremble could be felt running through his entire body as he gathered up the courage to say the three words he had wanted to say for so long.

     "I love you."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now