Stitches off!

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I sat up quick in my bed, realizing it was the day I had been waiting for. It had been five days since I had woken from my coma. Five days of building my strength. Five days of having to be careful about how I built my strength. I pulled myself out of bed and got dressed. Five days of people tiptoeing around me. I strode confidently out the door. Five days of stress. I brought myself onto the deck, full of way more energy than before. Five days awake with stitches.

Supposedly, I would still have a couple months needed to recover, but I felt great. Being in this world filled my body with way more energy and way more healing capabilities. It's as if I were born different. More durability, faster healing time, stronger, faster, sharper. Maybe it was just me, but I didn't care. Today, I got my freedom back. Today, I got my stitches out.

I knocked on the boys room, and Zoro opened the door. I grinned at him excitedly.

"Is Chopper awake yet? Today is the day!"

"No," Zoro said, yawning "but I'll get him up."

After Chopper got up, luffy and Zoro, me and Chopper piled into the infirmary. A show of support for finally leaving this mess behind me.

I pulled up my shirt to my first bullet wound. The one in my gut. Chopper shot me with a little local anesthetic and clipped and pulled the the stitches out. As the last stitch pulled at the edge of my skin, Luffy hooted and hollered and Zoro patted me on the shoulder in congratulations.

There were two other sets of stitches from a later surgery just under my ribcage, as well as the place he stabbed me to reinflate my lung, but Chopper said it should be fine to remove those a little early. So those were next. Clip, tug, repeat, gone.

I unzipped my shirt a little so Chopper could reach the ones on my chest without flashing the boys. As he finished up with those, I hear a familiar "SUPERRRRRRR" as Franky poked his head in and gave me a thumbs up. I shot him a grin and gave him a thumbs up back.

As the stitches on my back got removed, everyone popped their heads in for just a minute to give me support. It warmed my heart and made my day even better to have such amazing friends here with me.

The last stitches were the one in my neck. They were unsurprisingly far more sensitive that the other ones. It made sense since there were more nerves on my neck, but it was still funny since it was the least aggressive wound.

I winced, closing one eye but still smiling as everybody counted down the last couple stitches.

"3.... 2... 1! WOOHOOOOOOOOO" everyone cheered. It was funny how much of a big deal they were making it, especially considering the fact that everybody there had probably suffered some pretty bad injuries and never made a big deal about them. Luffy grabbed my face and planted a kiss right on the lips in front of everybody. I flushed, surprised, but nobody seemed to care. Everybody was cheering and ready to celebrate.

The entire day was a party. From dawn til dusk kind of deal. I got plotzed, despite the gripes from our doctor. Right along with me was Zoro, Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Franky. We ate and drank and played stupid drunk games.

After the festivities, I stumbled into the aquarium with Luffy and lounged on the couch. God, I'm drunk. It had been quite the day, but the rooms were spinning and the fish were swimming all around me. Thinking about it now, that didn't seem right. Must have been really super drunk.

I laughed at the stupid tricks my mind was playing on me. Luffy laughed too, laying on his back with the top of his head pressed against mine. His body was extra large from all the food he consumed. He always looked silly when he was like that, but I still couldn't help but smile at him. I knew he was going to deflate in a couple hours but nothing was softer than cuddling with a tubby Luffy. Not that we were cuddling now. There wasn't really enough room on the couch, which is why we were laying head to head. There really wasn't much to say either. We were drunk after all, and quickly fell asleep after laying down.

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