Jealous Bug

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      I crinkled my nose and buried my face into Luffy's chest happily. It felt good to be sleeping next to him. I wasn't sure how it happened. The last I knew, I was.... Oh shit.

I peered up from his chest. Luffy's eyes were shut, but he wasn't snoring and his eyebrows were pulled together into a frown. He took a deep breath in, knowing I was looking at him.

"Hey." I said quietly. He didn't move, simply exhaling in response to me. "Lu?"

He didn't move. I bit my lip, wondering what to say.


He could tell she knew that he was mad at her. He took another breath in, trying to stay calm over it. Things that Zoro said to him kept popping up in his head. About how he pushed her up against the wall... about how she kissed him back. He thought about how she only said they had kissed. She didn't elaborate the way Zoro did. If it hadn't been for Zoro, he would have never known how elaborate the kiss was, nor would he have ever known how bad it was, it seemed. His skin felt like it was jumping. His heart was beating fast, blood raging through his veins.

"Sorry." A simple word escaped her lips. It was so fragile, like anything could shatter her at any moment.

Luffy opened his eyes to look at her. Her eyes were sad and dull, dredging with emotional exhaustion. Shit, I'm an ass. Luffy squeezed her gently before pushing his forehead up against hers. Misaki didn't tell him the details because she didn't want to hurt him unnecessarily. Zoro told him because he was trying to push him toward Misaki. There wasn't anything going on here. The moment Luffy said he didn't want them to kiss, he knew Misaki wouldn't ever do it again. He trusted her. He knew last night was innocent.

"No. I'm sorry. You're the one whose hurting and here I am, making it about me." Luffy said firmly.

"Oh? That's... very mature of you, Luffy." Misaki said, blinking at him.

"Don't get used to it." He said, snickering. Luffy was a little surprised himself. He still didn't know what to call that feeling, but the moment he thought about the way he trusted her, it vanished. "You ready to get up? Or do you need a little longer?"

"I can get up now."



We held hands on the way to the deck. I knew sleeping next to Zoro like that may have stirred up some resentment he might have still had, but it looked like he was doing ok now. I peered curiously at him, trying to see if I could still sense the anger that I felt from him earlier. Sure enough though, it seemed to had vanished. His eyes slid over to me and I quickly looked away, blushing. I could sense he was smiling at me, which made me blush harder.

When we got out onto the deck,I realized we were being headed up by an equally enormous ship, being dragged by two sea serpents. Is that...?

"Ohhh! Hancock!" Luffy yelled, dropping my hand. I looked at his hand and puffed out my cheeks, trying to grab it again but he seamlessly shifted it so that I missed. Excuse me — what the fuck?!

"Luffyyyyyy!" A certain Boa Hancock yelled back. Her beauty was beyond compare, even making me blush as she sashayed over to us. I always wondered if the way she acted was true or if that was just the way Oda wrote it to make it funny. Well, you know what they say about curiosity killing the cat? Yeah.

Boa shoved me out of the way, swooning over Luffy as her perfect butt wiggled in joy like a goddamned dog, happy to see its owner. You've got to be kidding me. I stood up, dusting myself off and making the most disgusted look on my face I possibly could. How dare he let go of my hand and let her do that?! What the Hell? I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Usopp.

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