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     "Jimbei...." Luffy said, his voice wavering as he grasped at the scarf. "This isn't funny."

    "I wish I was joking Luffy. I searched far and wide. I swam into the waves when I found the scarf, and searched everywhere, but I just couldn't find her." Jimbei dropped his head in shame.

    Luffy hiccuped as thick tears fell, mixing with the pelting rain as he stared at Jimbei. His lips quivered and his body trembled as the storm raged on around him. His mouth was agape, and all he could do was stare as the words he wanted to say choked in his throat. He ripped off his hat and traced his fingers along the edge of the red ribbon on it. He gulped and checked again, rubbing his fingers along the inside of it more frantically.

"Come onnn." Luffy growled. "It has to be here!"

Sanji walked up to him slowly. He knew what Luffy was looking for, and hoped desperately that it was there. But as Luffy got more frantic, Sanji began to lose hope too. Slowly, he began to regret his words of reassurance earlier.

"It HAS to be here!" Luffy said again, making his crew mates flinch. A vivre card not only could be used to locate someone, but it also reflected their souls. If a vivre card were to vanish, it could only mean...

"Son of a bitch! WHERE ARE THE OTHER PIECES?!" Luffy yelled, making Sanji and Jimbei avert their eyes.

"I uh.... I can't find mine." Sanji muttered.

"Jimbei???" Luffy said, standing up and reaching toward him.

"It could have... maybe it was swept away by the sea..."

Just then, another wave crashed against the Sunny, making everybody lose their footing.

"We can't keep this up, Luffy! We have to use the coux de burst!" Sanji yelled.

"No! Not without Misaki!" Luffy growled.

"We can back track and find her later! Maybe someone else managed to hang onto a vivre card! But we can't find her like this!" Jimbei said, making Luffy take pause.

"Fine." Luffy said, walking toward the infirmary. "But we are finding Misaki!"

He swung the door open and stepped inside, reaching to pull it shut.

"Whether she is dead or alive." Sanji muttered.

Luffy froze. He grit his teeth angrily and turned to face Sanji.

"What was that?!" Luffy said, striding up to Sanji and leaving the door open.

"Well, I'm just saying!" Sanji started, making Luffy grab him by the collar.

"Misaki is not DEAD!" Luffy yelled as the wind ripped around them. He then let go of Sanji and walked back toward the infirmary. "Get us out of here. I have a vivre card to track down!"


Jimbei looked at Sanji disapprovingly.

"Don't act like you weren't thinking the same thing!" Sanji said, grimacing. "It's not like I want her to be dead."

"That's not for us to say, Sanji." Jimbei said, setting up for the coux de burst.


Luffy burst back into the infirmary and slammed the door to see Nami, Robin, and Chopper.

"Do any of you guys have your vivre card for Misaki on you?!"

"What do you mean?! Where is she?" Robin said, making Luffy grit his teeth. "Is that her scarf?"

"Come on, guys! Do you have it?!" He said.

Nami reached into her bra and winced. It wasn't there. Her bottom lip formed into a pout, making Luffy turn to Chopper.

"Mine got ripped away when I fell overboard." He said. Luffy turned away and yelled in frustration. "Luffy? Where's Misaki?"

"She... Misaki...." Luffy couldn't form the words. He looked up at the group, who now wore the same look of terror as he had.

Just then, the ship rocketed through the air, making everybody fall over.

"You let them leave without her?!" Chopper sobbed, making Luffy's heart lurch in his chest.

The ship skipped through the water before settling in calmer seas.

"Is she really gone?" Nami said, tears brimming in her eyes.

"She's not gone! We just had to get out of the storm to find her, ok?!"

"My vivre card should be in the girl's room!" Robin said desperately.

Luffy immediately grabbed her by the wrist and started running. When they got to the room, Luffy's desperateness reached a whole new level. The entire room was a mess, the storm making it utter chaos. He looked desperately at Robin.

"Where is it?"

"I... it was on the dresser." Robin said, shocked by the state of the room. Never had a storm sent things flying so horribly. Luffy slapped his hand on the dresser, making her flinch.

"There's nothing here! It must have fallen!"

"Luffy. Can nobody else find their vivre card of her?" Robin muttered, making Luffy leap to the pile of rubble and begin rifling through it.

"It's just a coincidence, ok?! We will find one!"

She scanned the room, her heart sinking as the realization set in. "Luffy."

"Shut up! It's here! It's got to be here!"

Luffy could feel it all over again. That same panic from when she was kidnapped. Only this was worse. Far worse. She was just missing then. This time, she disappeared into the sea. Where she could drown. Where she could get eaten. Where she could....

He frantically ripped through the books and papers that fell off the book case. His heart was seething with a feeling he couldn't describe. All I want to do is find one goddamned piece of paper.

"Luffy, it's not here." Robin said.


"I don't see it!"

"It's here!"


"Shut up and look, Robin!" He cried. Tears welled up in his eyes again and fell heavily down his cheeks as he looked desperately for the vivre card. All he could think about were the last words he said to her.

He didn't say he loved her. He didn't tell her she meant the world to him. He didn't even call her his partner. Instead, he told her, the person who worried so much about being a burden, that he couldn't split his time protecting her and the ship. I let go of her. I let her walk without hanging on to something.

He thought about how hurt she looked. He didn't mean it that way. He didn't mean it like that. He just wanted her to be safe but...

I did this.

Luffy started throwing things. He slammed his fists against the ground as he cried. He cried just as hard in Sabaody. He cried just as hard in her home town. But something was much worse about it this time. This time, he felt like she really was gone. Gone for good. Swallowed by the ocean.

He couldn't handle the terror.

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