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       Putting all that went on between Zoro and I behind us, I was then faced with another dilemma. If I was going to continue surviving in this world, I was going to have to start training. I couldn't keep relying on someone else to protect me or else one day I was going to end up shit out of luck. So, it was time.

   I had started by seeing what I might be good at, sparring a little with everybody. I noticed that I gained muscle and burned fat far faster here than I did in my reality. In no time, I was beating out weaker crew members like Usopp and even chopper. Or maybe they were going easy on me. Zoro gave me a blade to practice with but he always made me feel so little when he would use a wooden sparring sword instead of a real one against me. Luffy hadn't sparred with me yet. Not going to lie though, I really didn't want to spar with someone as powerful as him. Especially since I didn't know how much he could actually hold back. Sanji never sparred with me because "I was a lady". Ugh gag me. He was such a simp.

      No more incidents with Zoro. It seemed like it really was just a result of too much booze. I wanted to remember that, moving forward.

     We stopped in another town when Luffy grabbed me by the wrist and started running in some random direction. What the Hell is he up to now??

Once we got into a clearing, Luffy distanced himself from me and faced me. He then grinned.

"I'm ready. Show me what you're made of!" He said, still grinning ear to ear.

"NOW?! I'm NOT ready." I said.

"Relax, I'll go easy on ya." He said crouching down. Oh HELL no. "Gum gummmm" Oh shit. "PISTOL"

I ducked quickly to avoid his hand, which stretched way farther than I expected. That little shit actually intended to hit me.

"Ohhhh" he exclaimed as his hand snapped back into place "nice reflexes, M'!" And with that, he let out another gum gum pistol. Then a whip, then another pistol, except instead of dodging, I grabbed his wrist as it snapped forward. He grinned. His whole body then snapped over to meet up with his hand. I took the opportunity to strike at him, which he dodged skillfully. Over and over again. It was like a dance as we dodged blow after blow from eachother. That is, until I tripped.

As I started falling backward, he reached out a hand to grab me. But I wasn't giving up that quickly. I somersaulted backwards, kicking up at his head, which he also dodged. I landed on my feet, and lunged back forward, ready to strike again, desperate to land just one hit on this man. But then he suddenly disappeared and before I had any time to react, he was behind me, one hand around the top of my chest, resting on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. He snickered.

"Gotcha" he exclaimed, pressing his bare chest up against my back and squeezing me a little. I turned my head to look at him, disgruntled that I couldn't even land a blow. Going easy on me, my ass. He may not have gone all out but that was NOT easy.

I stood there panting for a minute, my cheeks were red and I was very embarrassed for how pitiful I was. I couldn't even brush up against him. That was pitiful.

"That was great, Misaki. You have grown so fast in so short an amount of time." He smiled, his breath in my ear.

"You're just being nice."

"No really, you are amazing" he said, smiling even bigger at me. My heart skipped a beat. I only then realized how compromising a position I was in. I turned my head a little more toward him.

"Luffy?" Luffy stopped smiling for a moment, looking down at me. He gulped, his lips parting for a minute. He hesitated for a moment and then pulled away, suddenly averting his eyes and giving me his terrible poker face.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now