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     As they cleaned up the room, Luffy's heart wouldn't stop pounding in his chest.

    He did it. He came to terms with her wounds. He came to terms with his feelings. As he pulled his pants up, he glanced up at Misaki while she threw her clothes back on. He showed her it wasn't just about him too. Sure, he wanted her, and she wanted him, but after the last time, he screwed everything up. He wanted to show her the connection was still there. He wanted her to know he cared about her. That even though it was sex, that he still felt connected to her.

    She looked over her shoulder at him and he tore his eyes away, looking for his shirt. Damn, why is she so cute? He felt his face get hot. Even after all of this, he couldn't stop his heart from pounding and his face from getting red. No other girl effected him like this.

   He pulled his shirt on, and glanced over his shoulder at her as she cutely popped her head through a tshirt, making him blush harder. Her hair was tousled and messy, and it clung to the sweat on her face. Her eyes looked like they shimmered as they shifted to look at him again. He gulped, his heart picking up its pace. She's so beautiful.

    He strode up to her and embraced her. He hoped his feelings were conveyed to her this time. She hugged him back, burying her face in his chest. He could feel her heart pounding against his stomach. He thought about what she had said on that day, just 15 days ago. You're the reason... he hugged her tighter. Did she really not remember that? He didn't know, but he wanted to make sure he addressed it somehow. He knew this wasn't the time, but he hoped she could at least feel like he was trying.


    After a long and wonderful hug, we each snuck out of the room, leaving it open to air out. I knew where I was heading. Right to the shower. I needed to clean up way more than he did. It was annoying how men could walk away pretty fresh after an interaction like that. But me? Yeah, I was a wreck. I needed a nice cold shower and a good change of clothes.

    When I got to the bathroom, I blinked at Luffy. Apparently he had the same idea. We both started laughing.

   "Hey, I could always go in with you" he said, stepping dangerously close to me. I put my hand on his chest and giggled.

  "No way, lady's first. And I couldn't possibly take anymore anyways."

   "That sucks." He whined, making me giggle.

   "Sorry, Luffy!" I said as I shut the door behind me.


    Luffy stood there for a minute and pondered if she really wanted to go in alone or if he was supposed to follow. A loud grumble from his stomach made the decision for him, however. He needed food.

   "Ok Misaki, enjoy your shower! I really need food!" He hollered, hoping she wouldn't get annoyed.

   He strode into the kitchen, ready to snack. Much to his dismay, however, Sanji was already in the kitchen, cooking.

   "Heyyy, buddy. You think you could spare me a snack?" Luffy said. Sanji scoffed at him and kept cooking. "Please?"

   "Wait for breakfast, Luffy." He answered.

   Luffy snatched a roll anyways, making Sanji curse under his breath.

   "Sorry, Sanji. I sort of worked up an appetite this morning." Luffy lamented.

  "Oh?" Sanji questioned.

   "Yep." He said, snatching another roll. "Really worked up a sweat."

   "And how did you do that?"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now