Mission: Crush Interference

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   We walked back out of the infirmary and settled back into the group out on the deck.

"So, what now, butthead? You going through all of us one by one?" Zoro teased.

"Wha — what?" I stuttered. Did they hear us?

"Yohoho, you and Usopp now. You certainly are full of surprises Misaki." Oh thank God, they are just messing with me. "Might I see your panties by any chance?"

"Not in your life, Brook!" I laughed.

"If anybody is going to be next," Sanji started, very serious before hearts suddenly jumped out of his eyes and his voice got higher "it's going to be meeeeeee!"

"Ok guys." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Actually, M' likes Cola, so I'm sure she'll try mussin up on me next!" Frankly laughed.

"Can't a girl have a private conversation once in a while?!" I said, now a little annoyed.

"Private conversations with you don't always go well." Zoro said, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey!" I said, pouting.

"That's how she hooked our Captain, after all!" Nami giggled.

"Namiiiiii!" I whined.

"Oh, relax, we're just teasing you! Look! Usopp doesn't even care!" Nami said, pointing at Usopp, who was back to tending to his ammo. He looked up and shrugged.

"I just had to tell her something." He said nonchalantly, gesturing to his nose as if he was going to tell me I had snot or something on it. I forgot how smooth of a liar that little shit was, but I wish he hadn't brought my nose into it. I blushed as they all laughed.

"Is that why you were covering your nose like that, you little imp?" Zoro laughed. "Shoulda just wiped it. I mean, Luffy will pick his nose right in front of everybody! He doesn't care."

"Ok that's it, I'm leaving."

"Ohhh awweee nooo, Misakiiiii." They all called out to me. But I was fuming and I had to get away from the relentless teasing.

"No wait, Misaki, not that way!"


I reeled back after slamming headlong into something. I staggered before I felt a hand placed at the small of my back, keeping me from falling.

"Man, what a clutz! You ok?" Law grumbled.

Awe shit. I should have known.

   "S-sorry about that!" I said, a little too loud. I jumped away from him and let him pass. Luffy came out right behind Law and threw an arm around my shoulder, snickering as he started dragging me along with them. I looked at Usopp. Help me!

   "H-Hey, Luffy! I actually need Misaki's help with something! Can I borrow her?"

   "Oh! Sure thing, Usopp!" Luffy said, letting me go and waving at me as he called out to Nami for a meeting in the navigation room. Suddenly, I was a little bummed. I wanted to know what they were talking about and just realized I could have, if I had just kept my cool.

"Captain sure is being secretive." I heard a soft voice say. I jumped at the large polar bear wearing an orange jumpsuit standing next to me. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you... I'm Bepo...."

"Bepo!" Oh my God, so cute!

    "Yes. Bepo!" He said a little more confidently but still soft and quiet.

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