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"MOM?!?!" I gasped.

"M-MISAKI?!?!" My mom said, her eyes widening in shock. Holy shit, I thought we looked alike in 3D. She looks just like me!

"What are you doing here?!"

"MOMMA J!!!!!!" Luffy yelled, lunging at her and enveloping her in a giant bear hug.

"L-Luffy?! What's happening?! How did I end up here?!" She said, hugging Luffy back, slightly awe struck.

"That's what I was going to ask? What do you remember last, momma?" I said, leaning down and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I was... I was feeding at the barn."

"At the... right in the middle?"


"I wonder if there is some kind of link..." I muttered. "Something isn't right."

     "We should call Kramer." Nami said, reaching for the transponder snail. "Like now."

"Oh yeah, the time dilation. We don't want you to be gone for too long, Momma." I said, trying to pry Luffy off of her.

"Who is Kramer?" She asked.

"Better not to explain it to be honest." I said. "I hope he can find the place without a vivre card.

"I think he said he can." Luffy said, picking his head up from his hug. "Since he has gone a few times."

"Luffy, honey, I missed you too, but do you think I could get up and hug my daughter?"

"Oh, yeah! No problem!" He said, pulling away from her and chuckling as she got up. A huge grin broke out across her face and she reached out her arms to me, enveloping me in the biggest momma hug ever.

"I thought I was never going to get to see you again!" She said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"This is actually pretty awesome!" I laughed, wiping a tear from my eye and hugging her back. Luffy couldn't help but wrap his arms around the both of us, overjoyed to see her again.

    "It hasn't even been that long, either!" She exclaimed, making me tilt my head.


    "It's only been a few months!"

    I pulled away and looked at Luffy, who tilted his head. It hadn't been more than a couple months on our end. I still had the stitches in my arm, after all. To be fair, they kept having to get restitched, which was part of the issue.

"Has it changed?" I muttered.

    "Has what changed?" Franky asked.

     "Well... 2 days became 12 days. 1 month was 6 months. It was a 1:6 ratio. But if only a few months have passed, that means it's not that anymore. It should have been between 9 months to a year at least."

"Interesting." Robin said. "The fact that there was time dilation to begin with is interesting as well."

"Did they leave you alone, Momma J?" Luffy said, his eyes serious as could be. Mom smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up. Luffy cracked a grin and her and snickered. "Well at least there's that."

"But they may not have given up." I said, curiously tapping my chin as I thought. "I wonder if the difference in time dilation is a result of their meddling."

"I fear that should not be our only concern, Misaki." Jimbei said, stepping forward. "After all, if she got here the same way you did, then there has to be a link."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now