Day 4

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   The next morning was, in fact, an early one. I woke up before the sun even came up. Luffy was splayed out across the bed, snoring away. He always looked so peaceful when he slept. Like nothing in the world could stir him.

   I snuck out of bed to take a shower. It was time to do a little shopping for the crew, which meant that I needed to ditch Luffy. I had already found a couple things that I wanted to take back with me. Things for the crew to enjoy. Like a few good book series for Robin, and some really nice clothes for Nami, and a couple neat trinkets for the guys. I also found a couple food items that I was bringing back for Sanji to replicate. Like Nutella. Oh yeah. I definitely wanted to make sure that I got him to make his own. I was still struggling to find something for Luffy and Zoro. They didn't really want anything that they couldn't already get. Regardless, I still wanted to look for something.


    Luffy woke up to an empty bed and frowned. Where the Hell did she go? He peered outside and noticed her truck was gone.

"Heyyyy, what the Hell?" Luffy whined. He grabbed the little transponder thing she gave him. What did she call it again? A burned phone? He hit the number 1 and then the call button like she showed him. The phone rang louder than he thought it would, making him jump.

"Hey, Luffy! Looks like you figured out how to
use the burner phone!" So that's what it's called.

"What's the big idea, M'? Why'd you leave without me?"

"Relax, Lu! I'll be back before you know it!"

"It's not fair!" He whined.

"Don't be whiny! I'm getting stuff for you and the crew so I don't want you to see it, ok?"

"Oooo, what'd you get me? Is it meat?"

"It's not meat! There is plenty of meat for you to eat no matter where you go!"

"True!" So what is it?"

"I'm not telling you! I'll talk to you later, Lu! Stay out of trouble!" She said. And with that, she hung up. Not even a goodbye! He oughta give her a piece of his mind!

He sighed and looked around. Not really much to do in here. He fiddled with the mini Pac-Man game for a minute before sighing. It wasn't the same by himself. He really wished Misaki had brought him with her. It's not like he jumped through a rift in space just to sit in her room. Sitting around waiting was not his strong suit. Maybe he could go hang around the animals on the farm? That seemed like a safe bet.

  Luffy stepped into the hall and about jumped out of his skin when he saw Momma J.

   "You scared me." He breathed.

    "Come on, Lou. We really have to talk."

   "I uhhh... I think that Misa—"

   "Luffy!" She said sternly. Shit. Did she just? "NOW. Come with me. We're gonna talk." Shit. Luffy's nervous smile turned into a tight frown. His mind was going a mile a minute. For one thing, how in the world did she know his whole name? Even though Misaki had called him Luffy once in a while, it was always when nobody else was around. He didn't know what to expect as they walked into the dining room. She gestured for him to sit down.

    "I really think we should wait for—"

    "Sit down." She said sternly.

    "Yes, Ma'am." Luffy said, swiftly plunking into the chair. Jean sat down across from him and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "What did you want to talk about?"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now