Day 11: Bon Voyage

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      I waited as Luffy finished up his shower. He wasn't mad when I told him the hot water ran out, instead just asking if I could make him some more food, which I did. I sat in the living room as he showered, unsure what to do with myself.

    I wanted to be right next to him. I always wanted that, but the want was more of a need at this moment. In fact, I didn't think I ever remembered feeling so clingy. I felt stupid. I actually wished I could just go sit in the bathroom with him while he showered.

    I tapped my foot restlessly. Come on, Lu... hurry up. I got up and wandered around, looking at the old pictures on the shelves. I grabbed an old family photo. It even had our old childhood dog in it. My heart swelled, looking at it. I knew my mom had the same picture downstairs, so I brought this one over to my luggage and snuck it in. Sorry Momma. I know you'll understand.

"Whatcha doin'?"

"Jeez, Luffy! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

   "Sorry." He said.

    I blushed, taken aback by what I saw. His hair was wet and still dripping. A towel was wrapped around his shoulders and he had only thrown on a pair of shorts. He had a curious expression across his face that made my face hot and my heart beat hard. I heard a simple hm? as he tilted his head at me, mimicking what I would do. Damn, he is already super cute right now. Don't do that too! Luffy snickered at me and got a little closer.

     "Problem?" He said, leaning toward me.

    "I... I..."

      I couldn't help but swoon. I even felt a little dizzy. If I had glasses on, they would be fogging up right now from how hot my face was. His face got closer to mine, and I felt his hand gently tilt my chin up. My heart was ramming so hard in my ears that it was all I could hear as his lips got closer to mine. My breathing got faster, shakier. How could he still make me feel like this, after all this time? His eyes flit back and forth, looking for something in my eyes. I stretched up toward him, closing the gap between us as our lips brushed against each other — ever so gently. My heart was erupting, making my chest hurt.

   Luffy pulled away and wrapped his arms around me for a hug. He kissed me on top of my head, making my stomach do a flip. Why am I so amazed by this man? Luffy took a deep breath before speaking.

   "Hey, so... are there any nice shirts I could wear today? Like... really nice?"

   "Why do you want a nice shirt?" I asked, snapping out of my daze.

   "No reason." Luffy said, puckering his lips and avoiding eye contact.

   "Luffy?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

  "Momma J might have something planned..." Luffy admitted. "I'm supposed to wear a nice shirt with a tie and I'm supposed to trick you into wearing a nice dress."

   "You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed. Luffy laughed.

   "Didja really think she would let you leave without doing something?"

    "Ughhh, damn it. Let's go!" I said, making him tilt his head. "I gotta steal clothes from dad for you."

     I picked out a red button up with a black blazer and black pants, and a nice black tie to tidy it up.

    "Do you really think he'll be ok with me taking this?"

    "He hasn't worn this stuff in years! He'll be fine! He may not even recognize it!" I answered.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now