Day 12: Home

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    "Go to Hell." I said, glaring at the man before me. My lungs hurt. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest.

    "Very well then."

      He tilted the table back again, placing the rag back on my face and drowning me in water. Over and over. Fear gripped my chest, driving me mad. I pinched my eyes together, tears threatening to fall as I desperately choked.

Luffy! Luffy. Luffy!!!

"Misaki!!" My eyes shot open, and I jolted up, knocking my head into Luffy's forehead. I fell backward, grabbing my head and groaning. For a rubber man, he certainly had a hard head. "Shit, sorry, M'!"

    "What are you doing screaming my name like that?!" I groaned, a little miffed.

    "What are you talking about?! You were tossing and turning and screaming my name!"

   "I was?" I asked, blinking.

   "Yeah! You scared me, Misaki!"

"I..." There was no excuse. I had no way to talk my way out of it. "I'm sorry, Luffy."

   "Don't apologize!!! Like, are you ok?! Why were you yelling for me?!"

   I frowned, my bottom lip pulling up into a pout. Luffy leaned away from me a little bit, dropping his voice down to a whisper.


   "You don't have to talk about it." He said, looking away from her. Suddenly, he felt like he was a mile away from her.

   Luffy knew what was going on. Misaki was soaked in sweat. Her breathing was fast and shallow and she was shaking like a leaf. It was clear that she had a nightmare.

"You don't have to, but you can..." he started, "I wish you would."

   "Luffy I... I'm just not ready..." she said, averting her eyes.

    "I know." He said, looking down. "I just... I want you to know you can. And I want you to."

   "I'm sorry." She said, peering at him through my eyelashes.

   "Don't be." He said, pulling her into his lap and hugging her. "We don't have to talk for me to be here for you."

    Misaki's trembling got worse as she sunk into him. A sob caught in her throat as she held her tears back. Luffy's heart ached for her. He didn't know what else to do, so he just started rocking them both, side to side. He petted her head gently. He hummed gently to her, no song in particular... just hummed. He could feel her hands clench against his tshirt, her forehead buried in his chest as she cried.

    He knew this wouldn't last forever. For the first time in a long time, Luffy dredged up the horrible memories of when his brother died. He remembered it took a while before he could sleep soundly. Every night, he would relive it, until he finally came to terms with it. He wondered exactly what Misaki was reliving, and hoped that she would be able to come to terms with it soon. He hated seeing her like this.

    Slowly, but surely, the trembling faded, and the occasional sobs were replaced with a soft snore. Luffy breathed a sigh of relief, letting himself collapse back into the pillows, clinging to Misaki as if, any moment, she could shatter into a million pieces. He let himself drift off to sleep.


I groaned as the light flooded through the window. My head hurt so bad, and I was way too warm. Luffy was already up, rubbing my arm as he laid there with me half on top of him. I pushed myself up to look at him. He was staring at the ceiling as if he were in a daze.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now