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    "Kid?" I cried quietly, my voice wavering.

    "Misaki? Is that you? Why do you sound like that?" He said. A sob caught in my throat, making him snap. "What the Hell is wrong?!"

    "J-just... um... I don't know w-what to do-o." I stuttered, making him groan.

   "Don't cry please. I can't handle it when you cry." He said, sounding incredibly uncomfortable.

"Kiiid!" I whined, making him laugh.

"Fine then, be a little crybaby."

"I'm n-not a c-cry babyyy." I whined.

"Well excuse me, 'Saki. I must be mistaken."

"S-stop laughing y-you brute!"

"Is that supposed to be your sexy voice? Are you trying to hit on me?"

"S-stop!" I stuttered, my throat tightening.

"If so, it's probably the weirdest way I've ever been hit on."

"Kid!!" I snapped, my tears drying up as I tried not to laugh.

"Eh, don't worry. It's totally working." Kid teased. "I'm totally turned on." I couldn't hold back my laugh anymore, snorting like a savage as I pulled the speaker away from my face, hoping he wouldn't hear it.

"Well that was attractive." He remarked.

"Damn, I tried so hard to keep you from hearing that." I laughed.

"Why? It's cute!"

"Oh, not you too!" I said, chuckling a little. My heart rate had slowed back down, and the anxiety had dissipated, making me feel much more calm.

"So what's the deal?" Kid said, cutting to the chase, his voice suddenly much more serious. "You finally get sick of strawhat?"

"Um... n-no."

"Figured I would give it a shot. Though, you sound like you aren't too sure."

"Well... something happened." I admitted.

"I'm all ears, 'Saki."

I told him about what I experienced and then waited. Getting a chance to put everything out there, feelings and all, without any kind of interruption was already making me feel a lot better. Zoro was right, I really should have waited and let Luffy explain. Not only that, but if this was something Luffy wanted to do, he would have just told me while we were talking about boundaries. Instead, he chose to cut girls out of the equation. Not only that, but we also agreed no intimacy without our partner.

If it was another guy, maybe I could see them being contradictory like that. Some men liked the idea of being sneaky — of doing something wrong. But Luffy? I couldn't see Luffy doing something like this.

"This lady sounds like a bitch." Kid said, disrupting my thoughts.

"No kidding." I agreed.

    "No, really though." Kid said. "I hate to admit it, but that dumbass really does love the fuck out of you, 'Saki. It sounds to me like she jumped him."

   "Yeah, I know... I know you're right but it still hurts."

   "Well of course it does! That's only natural! But, I mean... if I had forced a kiss on you — and I wouldn't do that by the way — would Strawhat blame you... or me?"

   I sighed, knowing how right he was. "He would blame you, Kid."



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