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     After breakfast I made my way over to the bathroom, hoping for a nice hot shower. Law and his crew already took their leave and I wanted to squeeze it in before we hit land. We still had a few hours after all. I didn't really need to shower — I took one the day before — but more so felt like relaxing under the hot water.

   When I got there, I laughed to see Luffy standing at the opposite end of the hall.

   "Planning to hop in with me?" He said cheerily.

   "Wow, so confident."

   "What?" He said, striding up to the door. He rested a hand on the doorknob and stooped over me playfully. "We haven't spent time in the shower together since before hopping realities."

   "You have a point but..." I said, edging oh so close to his lips. "What's in it for me?"

   Luffy grinned and opened the door. "Why don't you come on in and find out?"

"You're such a dork!" I giggled. He laughed and nuzzled noses with me.

"I totally could have been cornier." He teased, before opening up the door wider and bowing "m'lady."

I snorted and threw my hands over my face in embarrassment. "You dork." I said as I ducked into the bathroom, stifling another giggle.

   Luffy quickly followed, locking the door behind him. He grabbed the back of my neck and spun me around to face him, lingering just an inch from my lips before he met them. I could hear a deep growl coming from his throat as he unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor. I, in turn, yanked off his jacket and unbuttoned his shorts, letting it fall to the ground as I untied the silk scarf around his waist and let that fall too.

   Luffy walked me over to the shower head — kissing me ferociously — and turned it on, letting the ice cold water fall over us. I yelped and tried to jump out of the water, but he grabbed the back of my neck and pinned me up against the wall playfully, my back facing him.

The cool water cascaded down our bodies as he pulled my hair off to the side and kissed at my neck. Occasionally he would graze his teeth along my skin, making me gasp. His hands slipped in front of me and caressed my breasts before sliding down my torso and grabbing my hips. He squeezed them and let one hand venture further, slipping between my thighs and caressing my sweet spot. I moaned as he brought his hand back to my throat, pressing his fingers just firmly against it to feel my pulse.

    As the water warmed, I arched into him and he pulled my face around so he could kiss me on the lips. As I turned my head back away, he pecked his lips all the way to my ear, blowing and nibbling at it before returning to my neck.

I wasn't used to this kind of treatment. He was usually so sweet and docile, that when I felt his hand grip my breast a little harder, I let out a sound I never knew I even could make. He suddenly retaliated, grasping my hips and pulling them out toward him. I felt his dick pressing through my thighs and against my person, making me bite my lip as he teased me relentlessly with the tip.

"Fuck, Luffy."

His hands were firmer, rougher than ever before as he squeezed and caressed me. I couldn't help but whine as the water got hotter and his movements got rougher. I wanted him inside of me. Every part of my body was brimming at the edge of ecstasy. But he continued to tease me, rubbing me and maybe just barely.... Fuck.

"Luffy, please." I begged. I reached up and grabbed his hand, which was firmly squeezing my breast, as if pleading with him to take it further. He hummed in satisfaction before letting himself plunge a little deeper inside of me, making me moan.

"What was that?" He asked, so soft yet commanding.

"P-please..." he pulled back out and continued to tease me, making me whine.

"Please what?" He muttered against my neck.

"Please fuck me." I said.

Suddenly, he grabbed me by the hair and slammed into me, hitting my g-spot mercilessly as he went. His hands ran back down to my hips, rolling them into himself as he repeatedly slammed into me. I had to brace myself with my hands up against the wall. The water was so hot now, it almost burned. His hands ran back up my torso, squeezing my breasts so firmly it left a slight burning sensation. Then, he ran his hands up my arms before cupping them over my own hands. His fingers intertwined with mine as he kissed my neck.

My breathing got heavier and erratic as he brought me to climax, making my body shudder and shake. All the while, he continued to have his way with me. From kissing me and being soft, to being rough and tough, he brought me over the edge over and over again. I grit my teeth, trying desperately to be quiet while he did his damndest to make me scream.

    Finally, I couldn't hold it any longer, I ripped my hand away from his as I covered my own mouth, moaning as he picked up the pace. Despite being muffled by my hands, the sound still reverberated through the bathroom, making my face burn red from embarrassment. He made sure I was done before he pulled out, letting the water wash everything away as he bit my shoulder, making me yelp. Fuck.

   I spun around to face him and he kissed me furiously, cupping my face in his hands. He then ran his hands down to my shoulders and rubbed them firmly, making me relax into his chest. He massaged my neck and my shoulders, then my back, being sure to even massage all the way down my arms. It felt so good — I almost felt like I might fall asleep while standing there in his grasp. He then hugged me tightly before turning me around and rubbing shampoo into my hair.

   Luffy was quiet — focused. He massaged my scalp and let my head loll against him as he stepped us back into the water. I whined as the hot water pricked at my skin again. His lips brushed against my cheek softly. Then he ran slowly down every inch of me, giving me the softest of kisses along the way. By the time he was done with his aftercare, I felt like jelly. He turned off the shower and wrapped me in a towel before patting himself dry.

    I shakily got dressed alongside Luffy, who promptly lifted me up and walked me all the way to the girl's room. Luckily, it was vacant, and he settled us both into the bed, where he proceeeded to shower me with more kisses.

   I was surprised at how attentive he was being. To be fair, he was pretty rough with me, but I didn't think he knew about aftercare. Maybe he didn't. Maybe all this was just instinct. Regardless, I was basking in all the attention. Luffy started massaging me again as he kissed me, being sure to rub anything he could have made sore during our little "romp" in the shower. I sighed heavily, my eyes getting heavy as he went.

    Eventually, I wrapped my arms around him, making him stop. All I wanted was for him to hug me back and let me fall asleep in his arms. I didn't need to rest long — just until we saw land. Not a single word was needed as Luffy kissed me on the forehead and pulled me into his chest. I sighed happily, letting the exhaustion take me into a heavy sleep.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now