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I didn't eat that night. Hell, I didn't leave the study. I used the pull out bed and hunkered down, letting the tears stream down my face all night. I didn't sleep. I didn't eat. I didn't drink water. I just laid there. Broken.

    I wanted to run to him. I wanted to hug him and kiss him and tell him everything was going to be ok. I wanted to kill that man. The detective. The torturer. Using my family as collateral was unforgivable. But killing him wouldn't solve anything. If I did that, they would stop receiving updates, assume the worst, and torture my family anyways. Possibly even just kill them.

   I stared into nothingness. As much as I wanted to wrack my brain at how to solve this — other than playing along — I was so exhausted. My brain was on overdrive, but nothing was working right. It was blank. No matter how much I tried, I simply had nothing. I was just... so... overwhelmed.


    Luffy stared at the ceiling as his mind raced. He kept replaying things over and over in his mind. What could have possibly come over her? He knew she still loved him. He could tell how much she didn't want to do any of that. So then... why did she?

    The hatch began to clink as it opened and Luffy jolted onto his feet. "Misaki?!! — oh."

    "Well don't sound so disappointed." Zoro said. "Captain."

   "I know." Luffy sighed.

    "I'm getting a little bit worried now."

    "Yeah... me too." Luffy said  softly. "It's already morning. She never came up."

    "I don't think she should be left alone, Captain." Zoro said. "Something's wrong. Really really wrong."

    "She doesn't want me there." Luffy said, his shoulders slumping.

    "Well, there are others on this ship. But we're all kind of waiting for an order."

    Luffy looked at Zoro and nodded. "Don't overwhelm her. One person at a time. Take shifts."

   "You got it, Captain." Zoro said, stopping as he opened the hatch back up. "She'll come around, Luffy. I know she will."

    Luffy pulled his hat off of his head and played with the rim nervously. He nodded as Zoro made his way back down the ladder. I know. I know.


    "Misaki?" I could hear my mom walk into the room and huffed at her as she sat on the pull out bed. "Baby... what's goin on with you?"

   I couldn't speak. My voice was gone. My throat was dry. I just wanted to give up. To lay there and not move.

   "Have you eaten?" She asked.

    I didn't move. I felt her hand rub my back gently. I clutched my pillow and leaned away, huffing through my nose as she moved to petting me gently on my head.

   "Anything to drink?"

    I didn't move.

    "Is there anything you want me to get for you?"


     "I'm worried about you. We're all worried."


     "Luffy's not mad, you know. Just worried, like the rest of us."

      My heart was racing. The anxiety was crippling. I didn't have anything to say, so I simply sat there, waiting for her to leave. I wished she would just leave and let me suffer. I didn't deserve to be happy.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now