Day 8 (part 2)

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"Where. Is. Luffy?"

Shit. Don't react.

"He's gone." I said, frowning.

"There is no way he is gone!"

"How would you know that?"

"Because there's no way he would leave without you."

I stared at him, stone faced. I really wasn't sure how to respond at that point, but there was no way I was going to accidentally reveal something I shouldn't.

"Look, he ain't here, so you best be on your way."

"I don't think you get it." He said, stepping forward. "If I can't have Luffy, then I still have the next best thing."

"What do you mean?" I said, trying not to recoil from him.

"You have no idea how deep this goes, Misaki. Dimension hopping has been on our radar for an incredibly long time."

"Dimension hopping?"

"That's right."

"So what? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?"

"You have no idea how long we have been tracking you." He said, stepping even closer. "You have been a point of interest ever since your reappearance six months ago."

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I said, stone faced.

"The story is always the same. Missing person suddenly reappears after a certain lapse of time. Sometimes hurt, sometimes scarred," He leaned down to get eye to eye with me, "but always exactly where they were first lost. No captors. Unwilling to talk about the experience. Sometimes, they act out in anger, like they had just been ripped away from someone they love. Sound familiar?"

I refused to yield. I glared right back at this man, whose face had now distorted to a near demented state.

"But there were huge differences with your case. You were gone far longer, and you were massively stubborn, refusing to re-acclimate to society. You eventually did speak about your experience, though albeit in very cryptic ways. You even gave yourself a new name. " He said, pinching my chin so that he could hold my gaze.

That stupid goddamned therapist. I should have never....

"Honestly speaking, though, everything was still pretty unremarkable. And then suddenly, you came back. And you came back with a friend." His grin got wider, crazier. "And if there is a way here, there must be a way back. Or else, why would he risk coming here?"

I stood firm, refusing to flinch away. Refusing to react. He was intimidating, unhinged. And I refused to recoil. I refused to give even an inch. He straightened back up and sighed.

"No matter. Even if he never shows his face again, it really isn't him we're after anyways."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's you, Misaki. You are the key. You are the bridge to a very powerful world. One that could help increase our military might to unfathomable levels." He said, grinning maniacally.

"You don't know what you're talking about! That world... It's far too dangerous for the average man! And not everybody there is like him!"

"Oh don't worry, you can fill us in on every single detail about the place later. And, how to get there."

"Fat chance getting me to talk!" I sneered back at him. No fucking way I was gonna give him the key to get back.

"It's no matter. I have ways of squeezing information out of people."

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