Moving Forward

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    We spent a couple days in the Rainforest Island to help out any of the residents who had been harassed by the hypno dude. Name be damned. He will forever be the jackass that derailed my goddamned life.

Luffy was slowly but surely getting to know me again. He learned that certain things bothered me — like throwing me over his shoulder like a grain bag. He also was trying to figure out things I liked. I also noticed he seemed to be getting a little more comfortable around me.

"Hey M'!" Luffy said, sitting next to me. He smiled his big sunshine smile, making my heart do a little skip. I missed being able to just grab him and kiss him, even if it was just on the cheek.

"What's up, Luffy?"

"Nothing, I just wish we could help everyone here more." He said, swinging his legs.

"Well there isn't really much more to do here, unfortunately. Chopper already did everything he could." I said, looking down.

"I know. I just... kinda relate."

"Me too." I said, leaning further away.

    A long pause filled the air as we let the words sink in. It was already hard enough, dealing with something like this. It was even harder, watching others go through it too. Watching the confusion and anguish and just having to keep a strong facade throughout it all. Meanwhile, I was being torn to shreds, just like the others that were like me. And, likewise, Luffy had to feel the overwhelming guilt and confusion of not knowing somebody who seemed to know him so incredibly well.

"Hey." He said, giving me a little poke on the arm. I ignored him, hoping he would get the hint to approach that differently.

"Hey hey." He said, poking me some more.

I'm not gonna answer you when you're poking me like that.

Luffy grinned, poking me extra hard this time. My eyes snapped over to him. I tried to look as annoyed as I could. Don't do that!

Luffy's smile hit full mischievous grin, and he poked me again — harder this time — making me snatch his hand.

"Get my attention some other way you little shit!" I snapped, making him laugh.

"Sorry, sorry. You're just so cute when you're annoyed!" He chuckled. Wait, cute?! Suddenly, his body went rigid, and he pulled his hand out of mine. His eyes started darting around and he puckered his lips like he did when he was lying. "I uh... I meant funny. You look funny when you're annoyed."

I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. "You're such a bad liar!"

"Nuh-uhhh. I'm not lying!" He said, still puckering his lips.

"Whatever you say, Lu."

"Really! I meant funny!"

"It's ok to call me cute!" I laughed. "I'll take it as a complement! It's no big deal!"

   In all actuality, it was a huge deal. I felt like my insides were on fire. I got up abruptly, confusing Luffy.


   "S-sorry. I um... I gotta go."

    I'm ashamed to say I fled the girl's room as if I was a love struck little girl whose very first crush just picked her a flower for the very first time. Robin and Nami were hanging out in there when I barged in. I fell into my bed face down and stuffed my face in my pillow, ignoring the other two in the room. I then did the most elementary school girl thing I had ever done in my life. I squealed into my pillow, kicking my legs like a love struck preteen.

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