Good Morning Kiss [Juice]

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The sun light seeps ever so slowly through partially open curtains fanning out over the bed catching the two sleeping occupants off guard. A low groan echoes around the bedroom as [Y/N] pulls the covers over her head as Juice rolls over and buries his head in the crook of her covered neck.

"Baby," [Y/N] says as she pulls the covers down just enough to peek at him, "you know you have to get up, Chibs will be looking for you."

Juice groans loudly while draping his arm around her and pulling her as close as he physically can, "I don't wanna, this bed is way too comfortable and I have this awfully beautiful woman beside me."

[Y/N] giggles loudly before planting a small kiss on the side of his head, "You're too much Juan, now up and at 'em."

Just as Juice goes to reply the sound of a motorcycle engine meets their ears which causes the two of them to break out in laughter. He rolls away from [Y/N] and goes to stand up, but stops only to roll back over to her. Gently he places his right hand on her cheek and leans down to press his lips against hers, what was meant to be a short good morning kiss quickly turns into a heated make out session.

Absentmindedly the two of them kick the covers away as Juice tugs at the shirt [Y/N] is wearing and just before he's able to pull it off a familiar banging echoes through the house. The two pull apart as Juice scrambles from the bed to pull on some clothes, [Y/N] slips back under the covers hoping to get a little more shut eye.

"All right baby I'll be home in a bit have a good day," Juice states as he slips around the bed and places a kiss on her forehead, "don't get into too much trouble."

"No promises Juicy boy," [Y/N] replies as she tosses his pillow at him, smirking he catches it and tosses it back at her before disappearing down the hall. With a small smile, she pulls his pillow close to her and attempts to dose off as two bike engines roar to life and roll away from the house.

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